Stephen Strange is back and we will get a second Doctor Strange movie. The film will be released on May 7, 2021 and they are calling it the MCU’s first horror film. Scott Derrickson will be back in the director’s chair again. Maybe we will get to see why he made a films franchise like Sinister such a hit with audiences.

Benedict Cumberbatch will be back as Stephen Strange. Elizabeth Olsen was also on the panel and will be reprising her role of Scarlet Witch in the Doctor Strange sequel. The events of the series Wanda Vision, which will stream on Disney+, will play directly into the events of this movie.
Thor: Love and Thunder

The fourth Thor film will be titled Thor: Love and Thunder. Announced earlier this week was that director Taika Waititi would be returning as director. It is scheduled for a November 2021 release.
Chris Hemsworth will be retuning, but so will Natalie Portman. However, the big news is that Portman will not only be returning to the role of Jane…but to weild the mantle of Thor herself which is a story line ripped right out of the comics.

Also announced was that Valkyrie is a lesbian. So Marvel has already introduced a LBGTQ character to the ranks of the MCU.
Black Widow

While lots of recent pictures and rumors have leaked out regarding the currently filimg Black Widow film, this is our first official news. David Harbor was present and it was announced that he will be playing Alexi. Alexi was also a Soviet spy from the same academy as Black Widow.

Footage was shown from the movie of a fight scene. Black Widow is in Budapest and the events of the film take place directly after Captain America: Civil War. Taskmaster is the villain for the movie.