A Grease prequel seems as unlikely a story idea as possible, but that’s what we’re getting. And even better, Brett Haley will apparently be directing it.

Summer Days Coming Again
The last thing I ever expected is anything to do with Grease, let alone a prequel movie. That’s what we’re getting though. Apparently, this prequel series will be called Summer Loving, which is a refence to one of the most memorable songs in Grease: “Summer Nights” and is a clue as to what it will be about. You know how Zuko and Olsson sang about their first meeting at school? Yeah, this prequel will be about that first meeting. This Grease prequel will be produced by Paramount Players, and just recently they announced that Brett Haley will be directing the movie.

Truth be told, I’ve never heard of Brett Haley before. He seems to be a relatively new director. His best-known movies are The Hero (2017) and Hearts Beat Loud (2020), neither of which I’ve actually watched. They got good reviews though, with the latter getting 91% on Rotten Tomatoes. So it seems like this Grease prequel is in good hands.

However, Haley also mentioned that he has plans for updating the story to fit a 2020 audience. I’m not sure what to make of this. Grease is a story set in the 1950’s, so I’m not sure how it could be updated for a modern audience. Will we see anachronisms at play here? Or possibly the story will be reworked to take place in the 2020’s? This is all speculation at this point, so your guess is as good as mine.
All I hope for is that the songs will be just as memorable and catchy as they were in the original Grease. That’s not too much to ask, right?
I never thought Grease would ever get a prequel movie. I’m a bit leery about Brett Haley’s plans to make the prequel more presentable to a modern audience, but he seems to know what he’s doing. Hopefully, he doesn’t disappoint us. We still don’t know when Summer Loving will be release, so stay tuned for more news.
Source: JoBlo.com