On January 14th, 2016, the world lost an amazing man. The wonderful Alan Rickman passed away leaving behind a legacy. A legacy of acting roles as well as compassionate actions.
What Is There Not To Love

Alan Rickman is best known for his acting roles in Die Hard, Love Actually, Dogma, Sweeney Todd, and of course Harry Potter. These are just naming a few of the many roles he has. He is one of the few actors who never got an Oscar, but is definitely deserving of one, even when he never saw the need for it. He believes awards are for parts, not for actors.
Today we remember the things he left behind. From paying for his friends’ meals without their knowledge to failing his driving test in California, for being too cautious at a green light. Imagine what a compassionate kind soul you have to fail your driver’s test for being too cautious. Another interesting fact about Rickman was that selfies were a no-go as he thought they had no dignity. Any other pictures were fine, but selfies nope. He was a man who leaves behind gifts for charities of the Arts. A man who knows he is dying but chooses to tell no one but those closes to him. That is who Alan Rickman is.

The Characters He Brings To Life
We also remember the range of characters he brought to us. Such as Hans Gruber in Die Hard, where he is such a good bad guy. Also in Sweeney Todd as the despicable Judge Turbin. Let’s not forget Love Actually, where he gives his mistress the necklace his wife wants. We all hate him for that. Yet, he could make you sympathize for him. Harry Potter where he plays the emotionally complex Snape. You understand that all he does is driven by love. His range does not end there as in Dogma he shows his comedic chops with his hilariously deadpan delivery. This is a man whose acting skills give us some of the best characters we love to this day. Even those we love to hate.

And so today, let us raise our wands to a man who believes acting is not just for entertainment, but to educate. A man who gives to charity to enhance the arts. Someone who would pay for his friends’ meals without even glancing at the check. The actor with one of the most recognizable voices and an amazing range of talent. Alan Rickman, we miss you and thank you for the 69 years on this earth.