We’re only a few weeks away from Christmas. People everywhere are stringing up lights, baking cookies, and seeking out Christmas movies. Are you wondering where you can find some of your favorites? Never fear! Here’s a list of where you can stream some of the best holiday classics.
A Christmas Story

Don’t worry if you can’t wait for the traditional 24-hour marathon! You can also stream Ralphie’s shenanigans any day of the season on HBO Max. From leg lamps to flagpoles, you simply can’t let the season pass by without giving this Christmas movie a watch.
Die Hard
Whoever argues that Die Hard isn’t a Christmas movie is wrong. And frankly, you don’t need that kind of energy in your life. Sure, it’s a little more action-packed than other Christmas flicks, but Bruce Willis and Alan Rickman are sure to get you into the spirit as they duel it out at Nakatomi Plaza. Stream it now on Disney Plus.
The best way to spread Christmas cheer is by singing loud for all to hear. The second-best way is by watching Elf. This Will Ferrell flick is easily one of the funniest Christmas movies of all time. So grab something from every food group (candy, candy canes, candy corns, and syrup) and tune into HBO Max.
Home Alone

We all love our families, but let’s face it, they can get on our nerves — especially during the holidays. Watching Kevin rediscover the meaning of Christmas and the importance of appreciating our loved ones — as well as seeing him creatively fight the wet bandits — is the perfect way to spend a winter afternoon. Stream it on Disney Plus, you filthy animals.
It’s a Wonderful Life
Celebrating its 75th anniversary this year, It’s a Wonderful Life is a timeless tale with a message that’s more relevant than ever. Watch James Stewart and Donna Reed star in this heartfelt Christmas classic on Amazon Prime.
National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
The third installment of the Griswald vacation series, this is another highly relatable Christmas movie showcasing just how hectic preparing for the holidays — and all the family obligations that come with it — can be. However, this particular movie may actually have you thankful for your own family, as it’s hard to get much more chaotic than this one. So stream the hijinx on HBO Max!
Santa Clause
This is a holiday film the whole family can enjoy. Starring Tim Allen as the reluctant man of the season himself, Santa Clause is as heartwarming as it is hilarious and makes it impossible not to believe in holiday magic — in the most literal way. You can watch this one, as well as its two sequels, on Disney Plus.
The Family Stone

Very few Christmas movies manage to capture the art of familial gossip as well as The Family Stone. With an all-star cast that includes powerhouses such as Diane Keaton, Craig T. Nelson, Sarah Jessica Parker, Rachel McAdams, and many more, if you’re looking for something a little more savage than sweet, stream The Family Stone on Peacock. (Just prepare yourself for that sob-inducing ending. It gets me every time!)
The Holiday
What’s Christmas without a bit of romance? Luckily, The Holiday has more than just a little, as it revolves around not one but two swoon-worthy couples: Amanda (Cameron Diaz) and Graham (Jude Law) and Iris (Kate Winslet) and Miles (Jack Black). If, unlike the characters, you don’t have the means to flee the country for the holidays, escape into this movie for a few hours by watching it on Hulu.
White Christmas
Just like you can’t have the holidays without romance, you can’t have it without music, either. Carols are a staple of the season, and there are songs galore in White Christmas — including the famous titular anthem by Bing Crosby, of course. Released in 1954, White Christmas is one of those Christmas movies that endures — and for good reason. Stream this nostalgic flick on Netflix.
Which of these films will you be streaming for the holidays? Comment below!