The Peanut Butter Falcon is not a film that you would think of when you hear the name. What exactly is a Peanut Butter Falcon? Is it a ill-thought of peanut butter mascot? Written and directed by Tyler Nilson and Michael Schwartz, it also stars Shia LeBeouf, Dakota Johnson, and the scene-stealing Zack Gottsagen. It’s a whole lot of things. It’s a movie about a journey of a young man trying to do what he loves. The film combines various elements into one wholehearted story that you’ll love. I was fortunate enough to get invited to a press event for the film in Burbank, CA.

Walking into the room, I was greeted by a wrestling ring complete with bleachers for the rest of the press to see an impromptu match from the Santino Bros. Wrestling School. The action was fast and heavy from Head Trainer Robbie and the villainous Jake Atlas. Their wrestling was so good that it got a group of silent press to cheer and boo for the action unfolding in front of them. I was enthralled and impressed at the amount of work and detail that went into this event. After their match was over we were invited to take to the ring and learn some of the basics from the talent while others conducted interviews with Zack, Michael, and Tyler.

What The Peanut Butter Falcon Should Mean To You
The Peanut Butter Falcon isn’t just a movie about someone trying to become a pro wrestler or leaving home. It’s one that’s about following your dreams no matter what someone tells you you can’t do. It’s a film that uses pro wrestling as a tool to find out who you are as a person and stick to that. This press event captured that feeling exactly. It allowed a group of press to become their own pro wrestlers even if it was for a couple minutes. I’d heavily recommend the film, The Peanut Butter Falcon. I’d also recommend checking out the hard work that everyone at Santino Bros. Wrestling Academy does. They put on a top notch show for all of us in a small space.
I’d like to thank the wonderful staff and crew for putting on a great show with amazing decorations and food. The wrestling and Peanut Butter Falcon themed cupcakes were a particular highlight. The Peanut Butter Falcon is out now on Blu-Ray and DVD.
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