With Season 2 of The Mandalorian just a couple weeks away many fans are trying to figure out what new characters will appear, and then when. That to me is some of the fun with Star Wars, trying to guess the Who, What, Where, and When. Of course one of the characters fans are hoping that will make an appearance is the iconic Bounty Hunter, Boba Fett. Well thanks to the Australian casting website, ShowCast, fans got the confirmation that Boba Fett was going to be in The Mandalorian, and will be played by Tamuera Morrison. Now that may have been an accident that they posted it because they have removed it from their site. But why would the post it if it wasn’t true?

When will we see Boba Fett?
So, now the main question is when will we see Boba Fett? Well according to Star Wars Fanatics TattooedTrooper we will see Fett in Episode 5 of The Mandalorian Season 2. So why episode 5? Well when you actually take a look at things it kind of makes sense.
First lets go back to season one episode 5 – The Gunslinger. There in the final scene we see a figure wearing black boots and a cape approach the body of the assassin Fennec. Is she dead or alive as of now we don’t know. But who is this mysterious figure? Well if you are a fan of Boba Fett and The Empire Strikes Back there are a couple clues that lead to us thinking this could be Boba Fett.
The first clue is that this episode took place on Tattooine. Why is this important? It was of course the last planet we saw Boba Fett on. Yes we know he fell in to the Sarlacc Pit, but what if he did escape?
The next clue you had to pay attention a little but if you heard it, then you know exactly what I am talking about. There was a very distinctive sound that sounded like cowboy spurs as the figure walked up to Fennec’s body. There was another time that you heard this spur sound, it was in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back when Boba Fett was taking Han frozen in carbonite to Slave 1, as you can hear from the clip below.
So why are we going back to this episode since we pretty much know Fett will be in the second season of The Mandalorian? It is because of the person that wrote it… Dave Filoni. So why is that important well we will get into that in just a bit.
The Misdirection
Now the spurs clue may also have been placed to throw us off the trail. It could be that the figure with the spur sounds is not Boba Fett, but will be a character named Cobb Vanth. Vanth, who was introduced in the 2015 novel Aftermath, acquires some Mandalorian armor from Jawas who have collected the armor from the wreckage of Jabba’s Barge. Now again this means that Boba Fett had to of gotten out of the Sarlacc at some point for his armor to be there. So, could we see Din Djarian possibly team up with Boba Fett to help get his armor back from Vanth? It is hard to tell but in the Season 2 trailer it does look like he has Fett’s rocket pack and helmet on the back of his speeder, as you can see in this tweet below.
Why we will see Boba Fett in episode 5 of Season 2
So another clue may have came to light, thanks to the Writers Guild of America. We now know who the writers are for season 2, and what episodes they wrote. And according to the Writers Guild of America, Dave Filoni is only writing one episode for season 2, and that is episode 5.

So, why is this important? Well, first off it gives Filoni a chance to finish The Gunslinger and let us officially know who it was that walked up to Fennec’s body. But most importantly, with Filoni’s vast knowledge of Star Wars there is no-one better to tell the story of Boba Fett returning than Filoni.

We Want To Hear From You
So what are your thoughts on Boba Fett appearing in the fifth episode of The Mandalorian Season 2? Perhaps it’s not Fett we’ll see in Episode 5, after all. Maybe its the self-appointed Sheriff of Tatooine, Cobb Vanth. That Hashtag Show wants to hear from you!
You can tell us your thoughts by leaving a comment below or hitting me up at starwarsnerd574. You can also join me at the Midwest Star Wars Fanatics fan page to chat all things Star Wars. Also, make sure to stay up to date on all the Star Wars news by following us at ThatHashtagShow.com. More importantly be safe, I canβt wait to see you all at Celebration 2022.