As if the pre-order process for both consoles hasn’t been enough of a nightmare. For those looking forward to the release of next-gen consoles in the hellscape that is 2020, might be looking to 2021. Retailers around the world are being notified by Sony whether they’re going to get a sufficient amount of consoles or not. It’s another horrible wrinkle to the overall process that has been almost apocalyptic for some gamers.
UK retailer ShopTo already started notifying pre-order customers that they wouldn’t be receiving their console until 2021. Amazon was the first of the major retailers to start though. Like I’ve said in the past, what is the point of a pre-order, if they just aren’t going to have enough stock on the day of release? In the past, you’ve pre-ordered, to show the company how much they need to make. Not the other way around. It’s an unacceptable practice by both companies. I wouldn’t be surprised if Microsoft is having issues with supply lines either.
It’s Some Major Malpractice On Sony’s Part
With Sony, there were rumblings before the announcement of the PS5 that the system could be having issues. Other reports about Sony cutting off 4 million units from the 15 million that they had promised are also troubling. It all adds up to one thing. The consumer gets screwed. So now that people are going to not get the console that they either waited in line for, or braved the horrifying pre-order days for, what’s the point? By the time 2021 rolls around, there could be a plentiful supply of consoles. This new information from Sony only increases the power that the scum of the Earth re-sellers have.
Now you could be staring at either paying way over the MSRP for the console, just to get one on release day or even the months after. It stinks and Sony needs to do better.
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