Hasbo surprised Power Rangers this morning at SDCC 2019 with it announcement of the Power Rangers Lightning Collection Fighting Spirit Green Ranger and Mighty Morphin Putty 6-Inch Collectible Action Figure 2-Pack. This afternoon, That Hashtag Show had the opportunity to sit down with Hasbro executives Beth Bamrick (Global Brand Strategy & Marketing)and Sondra Weiner (Product Design) to discuss the new toys and future of the Power Rangers.

When it came to the Fighting Spirit Green Ranger and Putty 2-pack, Weiner explained that the Power Rangers offering was strongly fan- driven:
We heard a lot of people were really excited at the fact that there was a Putty in the line! That was something that we heard loud and clear, that fans really wanted. We wanted to bring this really cool story of the Putty fighting against the Green Ranger.
~ Sondra Weimer, Power Rangers Product Designer
Hasbro bridges the gap between Power Rangers Generations
Bamrick would echo the fan-focused sentiment, but also discussed the delicate balance of pleasing new and old Power Rangers fans alike: “We are keeping track of what the fan are saying,” she said. “We have [also] our Beast Morphers content, the new series running now… We’re bringing in whole new generations of kids seeing Power Rangers for the first time.
Both Bamrick and Weiner were playfully cagey when asked about what we could expect from the next Beast Morphers season. “Well, we can’t tell you too much now,” said Bamrick. But I think it’s pretty typical to what you’ve seen of the content before, and I just think is going to be bigger and better… There’s more to come.”
Again, when we asked about the Power Rangers Lightening Collection and what to expect in the future, “more to come” was their response… although delivered excitedly. “What we’ve been hearing a lot of is ‘oh,yes!’ in reaction to the SDCC 2019 offerings thus far” Bamrick shared joyfully.
One thing they both let slip, however, was that there would be a big announcement at the Power Rangers panel this afternoon. Stay tuned to That Hashtag Show for that news as it breaks!