Roman Reigns will not be wrestling Goldberg at Wrestlemania 36. ProWrestlingSheet.com is reporting that they have sources close to the WWE that are saying Reigns is out of his match at the show of shows. Why? Reigns is immuno-compromised because of his battles with Leukemia. He requested to the WWE that he not make the shows at the Performance Center during the Coronavirus pandemic any longer.
WWE obliged his request. There is no news on who a replacement for the match would be. This is another big blow to Wrestlemania already. With it being at the Performance Center, with no fans, and being recorded earlier than it’s air date. It’s all adding up to a show that might not reach the heights of other Manias.
The WWE is taking as many precautions as possible when they film at the PC. This includes taking temperatures, making sure they’re in perfect health, and basically quarantining all crew and performers at a nearby hotel while filming is going on.
Wrestlemania 36 airs on the WWE Network for the first time in two nights, April 5th and 6th. Here’s to hoping that whoever gets the next shot at Goldberg makes it a decent match. Here’s to also hoping that Roman Reigns doesn’t get sick with COVID-19 or anyone else in the WWE.
Who do you think should take Roman Reigns’s spot? What do you think of the outside circumstances affecting Mania?
For more on this developing story, or any other wrestling news, check back to That Hashtag Show.

Source: ProWrestlingSheet