Happy Friday The 13th to those who celebrate. Perhaps it’s a superstitious holiday for you, but for many, it’s a time to celebrate (arguably) the greatest slasher franchise around. As of the date this article is published, it’s been 35 years since Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan released and tried to fool many by convincing you that Vancouver, British Columbia was in fact New York. It’s also been 21 years since two behemoths in the horror world went head-to-head, with ultimately the box office as the true winner, with Freddy Vs. Jason.
So this journalist decided to see how many of these locations look nowadays. Luckily for both films, call sheets have leaked and we now know information on where these scenes were filmed. So with this information, I went to see if these locations look the same, if they have changed, or find out any other information that may be interesting. Like me, you might be pleasantly surprised with the findings.
Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan Filming Locations

As many people often complain about, Jason Takes Manhattan has a lot of scenes on a boat and you’d be perhaps surprised to know that they actually filmed on a boat. While obviously the ship they filmed on was decommissioned a long time ago, we know from call sheets that the boat was docked at The Shipyards (109 Esplanade Ave, North Vancouver, BC). While some ships, mostly tug boats and yachts, set anchor there. It’s mostly now a hub for a thriving community with restaurants, bars, a quay, and a myriad of shops and stores.

Next up is a moment when Jason and the hapless victims arrive in “New York”. We know from call sheets that this happened at 975 Centennial Rd, Vancouver, BC. This is a private property behind a gated fence in an industrial area so we weren’t able to get the best view of it but you can see a bit of the area. Alas, maybe the proprietors are trying to keep Jason out!

A One Block Radius For Most Of The Friday The 13th Movie
Most of the bulk of the scenes (including one famous boxing match) were filmed in various alleyways all take place around where they filmed the diner, that diner 156 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC.
This alley, which is near 340 Cambie St is where they filmed Rennie and company getting in a car and attempting to escape. We can see that the arch is the same and you can make out the tree (that’s still there) in the background.

They also filmed Colleen walking down this same alley before she gets spooked by police officers. You can see the tree more clearly in the closeup.

In that very same alley, there was an empty loft that now has some construction. We know it to be where they filmed young Jason as Rennie and Colleen barrels towards him and crash into a barrier; where Colleen meets a fiery death.

340 Cambie Street is just a block away from 156 W Hastings. Where the production crew got a lot out of the location. While we weren’t able to get roof access, you can clearly see from the street level of 156 W Hastings the arch that is clearly visible during the fight between Julius and Jason. Interestingly, that places the fight on the roof of the diner.

156 W Hastings (aka the Trocadero Building) where they filmed the interiors for the diner is up for lease, but next to it is a smoke shop, donair shop, and convenience store.

The Subway Scenes From Friday The 13th
OK, we finally move on from 156 W Hastings to where they filmed the “New York” Subway scenes. These scenes were filmed at a station on the Expo Line Skytrain (Granville Station). This station has a few entrances but they filmed at one of the entrances at 645 Seymour Street. Ironically, the station entrance is to the right, but in the movie, they go to the left and into a building that is not the entrance.

Inside the station itself features an escalator that Rennie and Sean run down to escape Jason and that escalator is still there. The panelling on the sides and the ceiling remain intact; albeit, with a lot less graffiti

And that’s it for Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan filming locations!
Freddy Vs. Jason Filming Locations

Real Houses In The Movie
As the movie opens we see the teens partying at Nancy’s house. This is in fact a real house located at 3258 W 36th Ave, Vancouver, BC. While the owners of the home have grown some trees and shrubbery, perhaps in an attempt to deter fans who may get a bit too close. You can clearly see that the roof, windows, and door are an exact match.

Likewise, we later see Blake’s house and it’s an actual house. Located at 2170 W 35th Ave, Vancouver, BC. Like the previous house, the owners have a lot more shrubbery around but you can clearly make out the many of the similarities. Just a couple are the windows on the upper level and the door which keeps the address sign and bell to the side of the door.

Public Buildings Get The Glow Up
Next up, the school that the teens go to is an actual school, Kerrisdale Elementary School (5555 Carnarvon St). The school is visually practically the same. With the window frames, bricks, and the lower beige component the same. No American flag, but this is in Canada after all.

Next up, Will and Mark find their way to a library which is in fact the North Vancouver District Public Library (Capilano Branch) located at 3045 Highland Blvd, North Vancouver, BC. Despite being the site of filming, there’s very little carrying over as the library has undergone a myriad of renovations.

Then there’s the famous cornfield rave scene. Filmed at 13476 40 Ave, Surrey, BC. As you can see, the field nowadays has 100% less corn than it did before; and also 100% less Jason’s on fire hacking teens to bits.

The movie has a shot at the corner of Edgemont and Queens which is quite different. Funny enough, this intersection also featured prominently in the Terry O’Quinn thriller, The Stepfather.

We also get a flashback to Jason’s drowning and Crystal Lake in this case is Buntzen Lake in BC.

Finally, Mark’s house is located at 1615 McBride St, North Vancouver, BC. Aside from the covered outdoor car port, not much is the same and has changes since the movie was filmed.

I hope you enjoyed this look into Friday The 13th filming locations. Were there any that surprised you? I didn’t know that the Julius fight took place right above the diner, that’s Let us know below, and for all things Horror, keep it locked to That Hashtag Show.