Light pouring in through bullet holes in a black wall. That’s just one of the images that has stuck with me since June 12th, 2016. It is also one of the images that were recreated for Paramount+ Reboot of Queer As Folk. For most of America, these scenes will feel familiar. However, for those of us who grew up in the white room, these images never left us. For most of America, this is just another show that addressed gun violence in America. For those of us who found ourselves in the jewel box, Stephen Dunn’s reboot is opening up wounds we thought would never heal.
Queer As Folk Shooting At Babylon

I can only speak for myself but I am conflicted when it comes to my feelings about this show. Is it a story that we need to see? Yes. But, the show captures that pain, loss, and anger so completely that it is hard to see remember anything else that happened in this first season. However, a lot of other things did happen. This reboot of Queer as Folk has created an inclusive LGBTQIA+ series that doesn’t focus on what makes us different but on what brings us together – found family.
So, let’s talk about that found family. Most of this season centers around Brodie (Devin Way), a rebellious young gay man, and his found family of Daddius, Noah, Ruthie, and her partner Shar. They all have an interesting dynamic as Brodie used to date Noah. However, Noah is now dating Daddius but…Brodie doesn’t know that yet. Ruthie and Brodie have a history that precedes her transitioning, and Ruthie’s current partner, Char, is pregnant with Brodie’s child.
The season starts, however, with the introduction of Mingus (Fin Argus) as he prepares for his first-ever time performing on stage in the drag competition while his mother (Juliette Lewis) cheers him on. This cast is just stellar. I really loved every single one of these characters and the performers who brought them to life. I love that they included disabled characters in this series while not making their entire personality about their disability.
If I had one negative thing to say, it is that there wasn’t really anyone to represent a different body type. Every characters is either a beautiful twink or a muscle daddy.

The standout performances of the season for me would have to go to Juliette Lewis as Mingus’s mother, and Kim Cattrall as Brodie’s adoptive mother. Lewis truly portrayed a parent who just loves her kid to their core and wants to help them grow into the person they are meant to be. Cattrall’s Brenda is just trying to figure out where she fits and what is going to make her happy.
My main criticism regarding this first season of Peacock’s Queer As Folk would be that they jumped right into tragedy. I wish they had given us some time to get to know these characters a little better outside of dealing with this traumatic event. The original series faced gay-bashing, but when it happened we had had a full season to fall in love with Brian, Justin, Michael, Ted, and Emmett. We got to see how this affected them in their day-to-day lives. We got to watch as each of them was changed fundamentally by what happened. I cared less that Brodie was being a dick because let’s face it, I had no reason to think he wasn’t always one.
Overall, I really like this season and I am excited to see where this all goes as we learn and grow together with this new generation at Babylon. Make sure you catch this reboot on Peacock but definitely prepare yourself mentally for the impact.