IF you are a fan of the Miles Moral Spider-Man comic series then you’ll want to check out the new Miles Morales Spider-Man #19 Variant Cover from Sanctum Sanctorum Comics & Oddities. This cover will pay homage to the ASM #300 cover. The presale for this cover will go live on Monday, September 14 at 7PM EST. Here is the official announcement from Sanctum Sanctorum Comics & Oddities:

Miles Morales Spider-Man #19 Amazing Spider-Man #300 homage Variant
We are excited to present our exclusive cover for Miles Morales Spider-Man #19 @skansrisuwan variant with a unique twist to the Amazing Spider-Man #300 homage available in trade dress, virgin and virgin color splash.Presale goes live on Monday, September 14 at 7 PM EST.

- No one knows the full consequences when worlds collide: Are there aftershocks, echoes, doubles?
- Miles is already battling a man who shares his name. What does it mean when he finds someone with his face in his family living room?
- Was this clone made or born? And which Miles will survive this saga?

We Want To Hear From You
What are your thoughts on the Miles Morales Spider-Man ASM homage variant? Also, what are your favorite ASM 300 homage covers? That Hashtag Show wants to hear from you!
You can tell us your thoughts by hitting us up on Twitter or myself at starwarsnerd574. Also, make sure to stay up to date on all the Marvel news by following us at ThatHashtagShow.com and the Marvel Fanatics on Facebook.

Source: Sanctum Sanctorum Comics & Oddities.