Season Two of The Mandalorian was full of surprises. With appearances of Ahsoka Tano, Bo-Katan, Boba Fett and more there was not more left to surprise us with, right? Well, The Mandalorian “The Rescue” had another big surprise waiting for us in this amazing season finale! One that was so big it even got a reaction from Mark Hamill on Twitter!
Mark Hamill Returns
Hmmm, I wonder what he is talking about? Could it be the surprise of Luke Skywalker coming to save the day and taking Grogu to become a Jedi? While many thought it could be Ezra or Mace Windu, others like myself felt like Luke was the obvious choice. While actor Max Lloyd-Jones was listed as “Double for Jedi” Mark Hamill was also credited for the role. With the amazing CGI work we got a young Hamill look like that from the Return of the Jedi!

So, to answer your question Mark Hamill, yes we saw one of the best TV season finales ever. Oh yeah, lets not forget that post-credits scene. December 2021 is going to take forever to get here.
We Want To Hear From You
What are your thoughts of the return of Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker? Do you think we will see more of him in other storylines? Also what did you think about the “Book of Boba Fett” tease? Well, That Hashtag Show wants to hear from you!
You can tell us your thoughts by leaving a comment below or hitting me up at starwarsnerd574. You can also join me at the Midwest Star Wars Fanatics fan page to chat all things Star Wars. Also, make sure to stay up to date on all the Star Wars news by following us at ThatHashtagShow.com. More importantly be safe, I can’t wait to see you all at Celebration 2022.
Absolutely loved it, this was just a small part of Luke Skywalker we should have gotten in the sequel trilogy
Absolutely amazing episode, great to see Luke again but I feel that this is the end of the story for Grogu as his species ages so different to others, be interesting to see where the take Din’s story now that Grogu has gone
I screamed so loudly that my mother came running to see what was happening. I loved it!!
I am sorry but mark Hamil will always be luke Skywalker to me this person who played him i am sorry but didn’t even do a goood job i am sorry tho point for trying
That was mark hamill, the just draged him with cgi.
What a fantastic ending to the season!! I was on the edge of my seat watching the ending! I am concerned about where the story is headed. This can’t be the end of Mando looking after Grogu!
It was Great to see Bo Katan again, hope to see more of her! Of course It was Amazing to see Boba again, Temuera does Fett justice like no one else can. We have waited along time for him and he does not disappoint!
I agree with the first comment from John, this story should have been continued when ROTJ finished!! Can’t wait for the next season, The Book of Boba Fett and whatever spinoffs fall in our path!!
This is what Star Wars fans were hoping for in the movie trilogy (7,8,9) and of course the movies failed to deliver. You can feel the love for the franchise with these directors , can’t wait for more!!
Loved what we were given – with the exception of the facial CGI. The opposing end of the Good Guy Wrecking Ball that mirrors Vader in Rogue One is one for the ages. Unfortunately, the facial CGI is ALSO akin to Leia in Rogue One. Nonetheless, I am moved every time I’ve rewatched it, now at leat a dozen times, that will serve as a much better beacon (should they choose to not give the mantle to say Sebastian Stamm) for Luke Skywalker than, “He was old, angry and concentrated himself to death.”
Makes up for the messy incoherent sequels.
Would have been awesome to have FAVREAU/FILONI be part of that troilogy.
Thanks Disney for giving up The Mandalorian as compensation to the F-UP that was Ep 7-9.
I thought my heart would jump out of my chest! When I saw that X-Wing starfighter, like Lea I said, “LUKE!” I was 13 when the first Star Wars came out, and even now, at 56, I’ve even more passionate about Star Wars! Who better to train Grogu than Luke (Master Jedi: in my eyes), and what better guardian than the Mandalorian???? I do hope that there will be a reconnection to the three somewhere down the line!!!! At least until “The Last Jedi”, I can’t take it when Luke give it up to the Force! Oh, my heart sank! I was like, “How could they do that to Luke?” Mark, you truly outdone yourself throughout the years!!!!!
Luke skywalker as he was the best jedi ever
Lazy writing to have Luke come. Let’s see some other Jedi.
Why? It makes perfect sense story wise. Luke is the only true Jedi left if you go by the story of the original films. And even if you consider the other surviving jedis, Luke is probably the only one that is actively looking for others, as he are looking for students for his jedi academy.
We don’t need a “subvert the expectations”-moment and have another character to come in if it doesn’t make sense. That got us The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker.
Agree 100%. Thought this was perfect.
Just freaking AMAZING! What an ending! Coming from a Star Wars fan, who sat in the theaters, back in ‘77 to watch this new “space movie” called Star Wars, A New Hope, this was at the level of what should have followed Return of the Jedi.
DISNEY: Do not mess with the dynamic duo of Favreau & Filloni. Pay them whatever they ask. Do not interfere with their creativity! They are true fans they know how to stir the emotions of a 50+ y/o fan had all it lost hope of ever seeing anything worthwhile from the Star Wars universe.
Well done gentleman, well done!
Absolutely loved it. The series was great. When I saw the x-wing pull up I got goose bumps cause I knew it was Luke. And to watch him battle as he did was what I’ve been waiting for since I saw the rotj in the theater. The ending brought tears to the eyes for both me and my wife for grogu and mando. Just wish Jon had be involved with 8 and 9. Those movies were horrible and by no means worked with episode 7 . which we thought was great. Can’t wait to see what Jon does with season 3. We’re looking forward to it.
I can’t wait for obi series and I would love to see a series about Luke after rotj.
I CRIED! #Itsokay
Same (high schooler in original movie theater), and in total agreement. Can’t say the recent trilogy left me very hopeful; then The Mandalorian came along…