Over the last several days the powers-that-be at Star Wars has been trickling out new details for the massive, multi-platform endeavor that is Star Wars: The High Republic. We received the “opening crawl” and some basics of the overall plot, granted, but there’s still a lot more to know. Today at NYCC 2020, however, Lucasfilm Publishing shed some light on other, new, upcoming Star Wars projects.

The panel, “Stories from a Galaxy Far, Far Away,” features a number of current Star Wars writers, including Zoraida Córdova and Amy Ratcliffe. Both are contributors to the upcoming anthology The Empire Strikes Back: From a Certain Point of View. The collection of new stories from Lucasfilm Publishing adds some fresh color to the 1980 classic film. Among the tales is aone featuring Star Wars bounty hunters Zuckass and 4-LOM, from Daniel Jóse Older. If you like Boba Fett, however, you’re in luck: The anthology includes a brand new story featuring one of the most iconic Star Wars characters of all time.
Lucasfilm Publishing Brings us The Art of The Mandalorian

One of the biggest draws coming up for Lucasfilm Publishing is undoubtedly The Art of Star Wars: The Mandalorian (Season One). Lucasfilm creative mind Phil Szostak discussed the difficulty of putting this one together. The Mandalorian, unlike a stand-alone film, features nearly six hours of material to cover. The book also illustrates (pun intended) John Favreau’s and Dave Filoni’s journey to creating the series. It also features some concept art that never made it into the show’s credits, too, including Death Watch’s rescue of Din Djarin.
Ratcliff is perhaps the busiest of the Lucasfilm Publishing writers. She pens the upcoming non-fiction piece The Art of Galaxy’s Edge. This chronicles the creative process of bringing Batuu to life for the Disney theme parks. She’s also responsible for The Jedi Mind: Secrets from the Force for Balance and Peace. Best-described as a self-help book, it focusses on lessons from the Jedi Code on peace, knowledge, serenity and balance.

The High Republic arrives at IDW
Perhaps the most anticipated Lucasfilm Publishing arrival, however, is IDW’s comic book tie-in to The High Republic. Coming in February, 2021, the series will focus on group of Jedi padawans at a “turning point in galactic history” as they come of age as Jedi. The series will also introduce a brand new Star Wars creature, a Cru, by the name of Cham Cham.

Best of all for prequel fans, however, is the upcoming Star Wars Archives, Episodes I-III. That will arrive just in time for Christmas and feature never-before-seen concept art from the prequel trilogy . (The first edition of Archives, featuring Episodes IV-VI, is already available.)
All in all there’s a lot to look forward to from Lucasfilm Publishing in the next several months!