(Image: Annie Liebotwiz for Vanity Fair)
Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker hits theaters in four months. So far, we’ve seen only one trailer released, and haven’t received much information *official* about the film beyond that. Still, from what we have seen, the film looks like it will be amazing with JJ Abrams at the helm. We also know that The Rise of Skywalker reshoots have been ongoing for a few weeks now. That fact has concerned fans because they thought the reshoots were going to be expansive. But, since producers were editing the film on the set, that has calmed the fans down.
And now, there are some images that have been leaked showing that the reshoots are probably over, if not nearly complete.
What These Images of The Rise of Skywalker Reshoots Reveal
Bespin Bulletin released some leaked images from the reshoots in Black Park.
Now, these images do make it seem like these Rise of Skywalker reshoots are either almost over or reshoots are completely over. It is hard to tell, but since they were shooting at Black Park, there is probably another film needing to shoot there, so they are trying to finish up quick.
We still don’t know a ton about the last film in the Skywalker Saga. Notwtithstanding, as far as we know, this will definitely end the 40-year telling of the Skywalkers and their effect on the galaxy. And Lucasfilm is saying that the film will be amazing. Here’s hoping they’re right.
Source: International Business Times