Creepshow #1 is the debut issue of the five-issue comic book anthology series, from Skybound Entertainment and Image Comics, based on the Shudder TV series. Issue #1 contains two completely distinct stories, each by a different creative team. Readers are also treated to an introduction to a third story. Creepshow #1 was released on September 21 and can be found at your local comic book shop and on digital platforms.
The first issue of Creepshow certainly stays true to its origins, with the Creep introducing readers to each story. The first story in the issue, Take One, features three teenagers who venture out trick-or-treating. The group is faced with the ultimate Halloween dilemma. How many candy bars do you take from an unattended candy bowl? Without going into too much detail to avoid spoilers, however, since this is Creepshow, you can probably guess things take a dark and disturbing turn. The artwork in Take One, has the feel of vintage horror comics and works perfectly here.
My only minor complaint is that the dialogue in a few parts feels more coarse than it needs to be. Before you shout out, “it’s horror, it’s not meant for kids!“. I do understand the purpose behind it, but it did feel a bit jarring and briefly took me out of the moment and flow of the story. Even with that minor complaint, overall the story is still well told and hits the mark for Creepshow horror.

The second story, Shingo, I found to be my favorite of the two. The art here is once again very well done and fits perfectly with the story being told. The strangely wonderful design of the Shingo character is a true highlight and provided a feeling of more creepy than horrific. The story itself is also well-written and kept me engaged throughout. Shingo is not as dark or gruesome as Take One, but still has the necessary amount of creepy and weirdness to be a fitting entry into Creepshow. I also personally found the ending of the story to be unexpected and it made the entire tale better for it.
Adding to the anthology feel of the issue, each of the stories was developed by different creative teams. The first story, Take One, is from writer and artist Chris Burnham (Die! Die! Die!). Shingo, the second entry in the issue, was written by Paul Dini (Batman: The Animated Series) and Stephen Langford (Creepshow TV series), with art by John McCrea (Hitman)

Both of the stories are well told and keep the reader engaged. I think the anthology format is a benefit to both as they quickly set up the plot and resolve it. This limited time keeps each story flowing and the pages turning. There is a fully expected lack of character development, but that is no slight towards the book, as it is designed that way. The stories are supposed to focus on horror and present them in somewhat unexpected ways. Both of these first entries to the anthology series successfully accomplish this task.
I appreciate the contrast in tones between Shingo and Take One, one heavier on the gruesome side and one on the creepy side. Overall this style difference helps each story stand out on its own and be more memorable. Creepshow #1 is an excellent homage to the vintage horror comics of the past. I’ll be looking forward to what the remaining 4 issues provide. I am also very curious to see what becomes of the third story that is started at the end of the issue.
Are you excited about Creepshow #1? Also, have you had a chance to read the series yet, and if so what are your thoughts? That Hashtag Show wants to hear from you!
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