We’ve been following Nicole Winters for a long time on Instagram and she’s a rising star in the cosplay scene. Nicole was gracious enough to take the time out to talk about how she got into cosplay and what cosplay inspire the Miami native.

That Hashtag Show: What got you into to cosplay?
Nicole Winters: My love for my fandoms, creativity, makeup, and costumes. Halloween was always my favorite holiday. When I found out I can do it all year round I was all about it!

That Hashtag Show: What is your favorite cosplay?
Nicole Winters: Favorite cosplay of mine? That’s a tough question for me to answer. I’m bad at choosing favorites and I like all of my creations. Two special cosplays to me are probably my first cosplay ( Nel from Bleach) and Steampunk Harley Quinn. Nel because she was my first ever cosplay, and Steampunk Harley because it was the first costume I made a prop from complete scratch!