Brand new titles are both intriguing and frustrating. Stepping into a whole new world reminds us of why we love comics and the worlds they create, but a whole world or set of characters can be explained in a single issue. We ask so many questions that cannot be answered so quickly. Here is my review of Wynd #1 from Boom Studios.
Review Wynd #1: Visuals of a New World
While there were a few panels where faces did not seem to convey the right emotions, Dialynas gets the general points across and makes it an entertaining enough issue. Because of the opening scene, I think he may get better as the title opens up and broadens its scope.
With every new comic, the best place to start belongs to the visuals and art department. Michael Dialynas illustrates this comic. His style somewhat fits a fantasy book, but at the same time it is a rudimentary and simple style. If you are looking for a comic full of sizzling figures and artwork, this will not be your book.
Review Wynd #1: Our Forbidden Hero

The first issue of this book really intrigues me. We read some very basic plot points and understand a very general overview of this world and its direction, but oh so many questions remain. Questions that will take this title in any number of directions.
In short magic has been choked out of this world by the king, but as with many things, a few vestiges remain. The tell-tale marker of those that carry the magic seed are the pointed ears that look like elf ears. Naturally, our hero, Wynd, possesses such ears. He also opens the title with a nightmare where he turns into a winged beast of some sort. The artwork demonstrates Wynd’s mind is there despite the savage look, but he lack the ability to speak.
Review Wynd #1: How Political Will This Get?
We then see Wynd go to work (with ears covered) as a serving boy, where he could not be happier. This scene paints out the political landscape of the world where the king has called on the mysterious Bandaged Man to eradicate the last of the magical beings.
At this point the waters become murky. Wynd sits atop a tower spying on the world alone. When young, shirtless Thorn Cherrywood jogs into view, Wynd talks to himself like he holds some sort of infatuation with the hunk. To what degree is not made clear.
Review Wynd #1: The Other Side of the Coin
Here the comic shifts and follows Thorn. Thorn holds a conversation with his father where his father tells him he will one day run the Royal Greenery just like every generation before him. You can tell Thorn does not like this, and it will be a source of contention moving forward.
Thorn then talks with Prince Yorik. This back and forth becomes the most dizzying part of the book yet. Thorn and Yorik go back and forth about the kingdom, but at the same time, the way it’s done suggests these two may have some sort of relationship. Yorik stresses some big secret that needs to be divulged, but of course – the comic ends here.
Review Wynd #1: Wrap-Up

In the end this comic title is adequately drawn but presents nothing WOW-ing. The story looks to be a persecution of magic folk with a protagonist who is obviously magical. With his dreams, ,he may indeed be something bigger. This comic also hints and plays with relationships that some will champion and some will not like.
At roughly 46 pages I though this comic would be a bit of a marathon read, but it read very quickly and was entertaining if not confusing (as expected with a #1). The writing style trends towards younger audiences, similar to Young Adult Novels. I think I enjoyed this title and will keep an eye on it going forward.