Stranger Things 4 was absolutely massive. It was so massive that Funko needed to split their waves of Funko Pop! figures into two parts. We had the first part a couple of months ago, now, we have the second wave.

First off, we have the normal Pop figures with Erica, California Mike, Argyle, Battle Robin, Eleven, A Demobat, Vecna, and Battle Steve. It’s surprising to get some of these and not other characters. The Target Exclusive Eddie Pop! is already $100+ and highly desirable for fans of the show. Nonetheless, this is an amazing wave of figures that captures the second part of season four. It’s also nice to get Argyle and Vecna.

As for the keychains, we’re getting Erica, Battle Robin, Battle Steve, and Vecna. These are the same as the Pop figures, just smaller and fit on a keychain! It’s strange that they wouldn’t do the whole line like this, I know I’d love to get a tiny Argyle on my backpack.

Now, this is where it gets really exciting. *Ahem*
If you haven’t been paying attention, Funko hasn’t made a new Nancy Wheeler Pop since the very first season. This new two-pack of Nancy and Robin in their outfits from the Asylum is exclusive to Target. The three-pack of Battle Steve, Battle Robin, and Vecna is a little puzzling, because it’s just the same three figures from the main wave. Not sure about that one, and it also doesn’t have Nancy from that scene, who is a pivotal part. Either way, that one is exclusive to Walmart.
Finally, we have Argyle and the Surfer Boy PIzza van. This Target exclusive is from the vehicle line that Funko does. So if you want to complete the Season Four collection, you need a Surfer Boy Pizza van.
Overall, this is a somewhat disappointing drop. They did make a new Nancy figure, but she’s not included in the 3-pack. They didn’t make a new Jonathan Wheeler Pop, and he hasn’t had one since the first season. Is there something we’re missing when it comes to Jonathan? They also didn’t make a common Eddie Pop, so if you want him, you need to track down the uber-expensive Target exclusive. Finally, we didn’t get a Doctor Brenner Pop in this wave, and he’s a fairly important part of the fourth season.
We’ll have to see when more Pops drop, if they do. You can Pre-order the commons and the Walmart Exclusive here.
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