Toy Story 4 enters new territory now that Woody and the gang have moved from college-age Andy to preschooler Bonnie. The film introducers new characters like Ducky and Bunny, voiced by Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele. It also brings back fan-favorite Bo Peep, voiced by Annie Potts, after the character’s noticeable absence from Toy Story 3.

At a recent press event, the director and producers of Toy Story 4 talked about the new film. Director Josh Cooley explained why Pixar continued after Toy Story 3’s ending was so well received by fans. “We love the end of the Toy Story 3. It ends Woody and Andy’s story perfectly,” Cooley said. “We realized there was more story to tell, to continue Woody’s story. And once we started going down that path and realizing, ‘Oh, there is more to tell for Woody,’ we just kept going and we hit upon something that’s worth telling.”

Producer Mark Nielsen added, “The idea of Bo Peep also, is so intriguing to us. This movie has been kind of codenamed Peep here within the walls for the whole four years we’ve been making it. Because we knew she was such an important character in this one. And the idea of them coming back together after not seeing each other for nine years and just what’s become of her was something we thought was really worth exploring.”

Woody has always been confident about his place in the world. And that his priority is taking care of his kid, whether that’s Andy or Bonnie. When Bonnie’s beloved new craft-project-turned-toy, Forky, declares himself “trash,” Woody must show Forky why he should embrace being a toy. But when Bonnie’s family goes on a road trip, Woody ends up reuniting with his long-lost friend Bo Peep. After years of being on her own, Bo’s adventurous spirit and life on the road belie her delicate porcelain exterior. As Woody and Bo realize they’re worlds apart as toys, they find out that’s the least of their worries. TOY STORY 4 hits the U.S. on June 21, 2019.