Earlier this week we let you know that Smallville, the complete series was coming to Blu-Ray for the first timer ever. Following up on the exciting announcement, #DCFanDome kicked off this morning with a surprise 20th anniversary celebration! Tom Wellington (Clark Kent) and Michael Rosenbaum (Lex Luthor) sat down to discuss their experiences on the Emmy winning show. They even shared a slew of behind-the-scenes stories from the show’s production. You can watch the full conversation here:
Smallville is still widely regarded as one of the best DC series to be produced. The show followed Clark Kent’s early/teen years, ranging from “Kal-El’s arrival on Earth through his tumultuous teen years to Clark Kent’s final steps toward embracing his destiny as the Man of Steel.” Tom Wellington’s portrayal as a angst-ridden teen Clark Kent, struggling with the reality of his existence, drove ten seasons’ worth of compelling Superman storytelling.
Smallville stars go behind the scenes for #DCFanDome

The show featured a slew of other, incredible acting talent, including Star Wars fan favorite Sam Witwer. (Witwer, if you’re unaware, is the voice actor that so superbly brought depth and development to the character of Maul through the Clone Wars, Star Wars Rebels, and beyond.) Often time though ,the show’s guest stars overshadowed the Smallville regulars… Notable among them being one of the most iconic Superman actors ever, Christopher Reeve.

Enjoy the #DCFanDome video above as the cast of Smallville celebrates the 20th anniversary of the show’s ten-year legacy. Still wanting more? Be sure to pick up the complete series on Blu-Ray when it drops on October 19th. If the show’s 218 episodes aren’t enough for you, there’s over twenty-eight hours of bonus material to keep you busy, too.
Stay tuned here to That Hashtag Show all weekend for all your #DCFanDome coverage!
For more on Smallville, click HERE.