Hot on the heels of Wonder Woman 1984 setting records for their service in views, Warner Bros and HBO Max are making even bigger moves. In an interview with The New York Times, Walter Hamada, President of DC Films, stated that the studio plans to release two DC films a year on the service. These two films aren’t going to be the gargantuan budget, main character films of the DCEU. They’ll be more focused, smaller stories. So you likely won’t be getting Man of Steel 2 in this line. But we might get some smaller, character driven stories here. He also didn’t rule out television side-stories from the CW line of shows.
With that statement, I think we can assuage any fears that this is designed to destroy movie theaters. Studios need theaters, theaters need studios. Warner Bros putting their entire 2021 slate of films on HBO Max is a move to help their fledgling streaming service. We don’t know when theaters are going to be fully safe to go back into, so they’re looking to the future. With this move, you get to have your cake and eat it too. Imaging seeing a Wonder Twins movie in theaters. Never gonna happen. But as one of these two movies each year, you might get your wish.
I’m honestly not very likely to watch a movie in theaters about a character from the CW line of shows. I just don’t particularly like them. But if I’m scrolling for something to watch on HBO Max? Now that might actually be something I’m interested in.
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Source: New York Times