The Greatness of Planet Comicon
Everything else about Planet Comicon, Kansas City was mind blowing. If you don’t like standing in line, don’t go to presentations or get signatures. Otherwise be prepared for tons of lines. Many of the volunteers did a great job talking with guests and some were even entertaining. Carey Elwes had a line in the afternoon that not only filled the booth, but also had 15 more lines of about 20ish people lined up against the wall. The gentleman organizing the line was fun to interact with. At one point we even did the wave.
The Exhibition hall was enormous. It took my wife and I nearly an entire day to walk it from one side to the other and there is a huge selection of merchandise to choose from. We left with about 11 rare Funko Pops, two swords, a board game and some stuffed animals. We could have spent even more as there were top of the business artists there as well as creators and book writers.
Did I Just See…
ATM robbery! Barf!!!
What is a Con without all the Cosplay? The frustrating part is seeing great outfits in Celebrity row where you can’t take pictures at all, and then never seeing that person again. The costumes ranged from the home made just for fun to the exquisitely detailed and accurate. Superheroes, anime, tv, movies, you name it you could probably find it. I wish I had more pictures of the cosplay, but go to the Planet Comicon Facebook page to see hundreds of great pics.
I have always loved cosplay but haven’t had too much to do with it. Post PCKC, my wife and I have the designing bug and are working on custom designs for next year’s Con. It is so much fun to see all the outfits and the people who get into character and interact with complete strangers.
Lost Among the Stars
Last but certainly not least are the celebrities. You can tell the level of a Con not only by the names of the celebrities they sign but the amount. The Auditorium was PACKED from one side to the other! On celebrity row you had Hollywood actors, TV actors, voice actors, etc. All of varying talents and notoriety, but all with impressive lines. Leave celebrity row and you can meet and talk with comic designers, writers and other big-name artists. It really was quite impressive. Harder still is finding the time to get everything in. We were there for the full three days, and outside of a Star Wars presentation the last day that was nothing more than a one-sided lecture of a girl’s college thesis about how the Rebel Alliance is actually a terrorist group, it was all wildly entertaining.
Joonas Suatomo William Shatner Carey Elwes Weasley Kids
I will do a follow-up article in the next day or so about the celebrities and interacting with them, but if you ever see a celebrity name at a Con that you can make it to – do it. They are so worth the experience.
All in all, Planet Comicon was such a great experience. It is 110% exhausting both mentally and physically, but the reward is so worth it. It has taken a few days of normal routine and living to come down off the high and fun.
Always has been a great event!