After WB’s live stream of the upcoming Death in the Family Interactive DVD movie. The actors, Bruce Greenwood (Batman) ,Vincent Martella (Jason Todd), and Zehra Fazal (Tala); and producer Brandon Vietti participated in an exclusive question and answer panel with the press.
During the panel, the actors answered questions submitted by journalists about their experience working on death in the family. The panel was very engaging and shed light on what it was like for the actors to come back after being away for over 10 years.

Coming Back To Under The Red Hood
Greenwood said that it was a bit difficult but that he greatly enjoyed returning to the role. Finding the right bitch after so many years. He stated that he greatly enjoys the interactive format of the movie. As it allows exploring idea’s that couldn’t be done in the original.
Martella said he also enjoyed returning to the role and being able to explore Todd more. Stating he felt he didn’t get a chance to really explore the character in Under the Red Hood. He said that the most difficult part was having to do a different tonal performance for every version of Jason Todd the movie explores. That it was difficult to keep all of the different versions straight. He stated Vincent really helped by laying out the road map of what Todd each version of Todd is as a person. He stated that he loved it though because being able to explore so many different versions of the same character is something that few actors get to do. Even when they have played a character for years.
Fazal did not go into to much detail due to not wanting to give spoilers but said she loved being able to shot the same scene in two different tones due to them having such drastically different outcomes.
Future of Interactive Movies
Producer Brandon Vietti stated he believes the success of Death In the Family could lead to more movies like it. Vietti said he loves working in the DC universe and wants to explore the Batman universe in this style more. He would love to be able to tackle other well known Batman stories in this kind of format.
Vietti finished by urging fans to go out and support the movie and this format of story telling with their wallet. And show WB they want more of it.