The latest DC Comics Wonder Woman to hit the shelves this week is Wonder Woman 759 – The Battle is Just Beginning. Although the number is a bit odd for this, #759 is a great place for new readers to jump on board. If you have ever wanted to pick up a WW title, this issue not only stands alone, but it feels like a reset in some ways.
Wonder Woman 759 – An Interesting Question
The issue starts with Diana moving into a new apartment. There alone it feels like a new start for the title, but not only does the story stay within itself, it poses an interesting question from an anonymous source that may come into play down the road.
We go from moving into the apartment, to furniture shopping with the kid down the hall, to executing a drop into a max security prison riot where her arch nemesis, Maxwell Lord, is held. The tale comes off simply enough, but the blue boxes which both narrate and question the story at hand. It simply asks what if the line between good and evil was more twisted than we ever thought. The source of the ‘thinking’ does not come to light in this issue, but it feels like it will in the next issue or two.
Wonder Woman 759 – Artwork Quality

I really like the artwork of this title. It uses rich, bright coloring for most of the issue, but when Wonder Woman drops into the prison riot, the entire color palate changes to red based colors everywhere except Diana’s armor. It is the only thing to retain its original color.
Occasionally, the faces look a little too minimalistic, especially in the beginning pages. When someone looks straight at the reader, their noses all but disappear. It looks a bit odd to me, but that’s a minor complaint.
The main cover is okay, but the alt cover by Brittany Holzherr is absolutely stunning. It shows the warrior princess at her best and fiercest. It would be a top poster choice.
Wonder Woman 759 – The Story Under the Story
This story starts a new arc, so it becomes a great place for anyone to pick up and begin. This issue does something else great. The narrator for this issue gives an aside throughout the whole issue asking a simple question. What if good and evil are not so different?
It not only poses some interesting thoughts, but whoever voices these thoughts does a wonderful job using them to set up a future story point. The reader can’t help but think there is a reason for these weird thoughts, but what? Guess we find out next issue.