Comic Book publishing juggernaut DC first created Vertigo 1993 as a way to publish more adult orientated and graphic content. DC needed the imprint for stories that didn’t meet the restrictions of the Comics Code Authority. Now 26 years later Vertigo is coming to an end as DC rebrands and restructures.

DC Editor in Chief Dan DiDio released the following statement about the decision to shut down Vertigo:
“We’re returning to a singular presentation of the DC brand that was present throughout most of our history until 1993, when we launched Vertigo to provide an outlet for edgier material, that kind of material is now mainstream across all genres, so we thought it was the right time to bring greater clarity to the DC brand and reinforce our commitment to storytelling for all of our fans in every age group. This new system will replace the age ratings we currently use on our material.”
Vertigo in mainstream entertainment
Vertigo has actually given Hollywood a string of comic book movies well before the established Marvel Cinematic Universe ever existed. While more widely recognized as a DC character, the “Hellblazer” comic gave us the character John Constantine. It is the source material for the film Constantine (2005) starring Keanu Reeves. Other titles from Vertigo gave us such movies as A History of Violence (2005), V for Vendetta (2005), The Fountain (2006), and the The Losers (2010).

Without Vertigo we also would not have some of the hottest comic book TV shows that are still currently airing. The aforementioned “Hellblazer” comic also spawned a brief television show Constantine (2014–2015). In addition, John Constantine has made appearances in both Arrow and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. Lucifer, iZombie and Preacher are all still currently in production. One of the most acclaimed comic series ever, “Y: The Last Man” is currently in pre-production with FX.