Here we are at the conclusion of Naomi’s opening cycle. Naomi 6 brings Naomi and her new powers toe to toe with her greatest enemy – Zumbado. A series is ending, but a whole new future begins.
Naomi 6 – Cover To Cover

There is only one cover for Noami 6. Perhaps her next run they will give her the Cover B treatment, but for now, just one. Honestly there is nothing great about this cover. The artistry is solid, just not eye-popping. What really stands out with this cover is the fact Naomi stands with all the other heroes of DC. It foreshadows what is to come with her new powers.
The Power of Personalities

One thing I have always loved with the Naomi series has been the colorful personalities and how they all interact. Annabelle’s character brings a bubbly, enthusiasm to every scene she is in. Dee looks a brute of a man, but sense of humor is hidden but there, as is his protective nature.
With Naomi’s adoptive parents, Dee and Annabelle all trying to figure out where Naomi disappeared to. I love the interactions between the group as it keeps the scene from bogging down and even provides a bit of humor. A great supporting cast is key for any ongoing comic series.
From One Earth To Another
So where does Naomi disappear to for Naomi 6? Earth of course…just not ours. As we recently found out, Naomi belongs to a parallel Earth. She returns to her home dimension to see the devastation wrought by Zumbado.
Zumbado introduces himself, perhaps hoping Naomi did not know the truth, but of course she just learned teh story of her origins. Zumbado tried to help her release her powers, and in doing so, exposes his true nature. Some meditate while others train, but Zumbado simply chooses to release his powers in a show of rage and force…because it feels good.
Naomi starts to follow suit, but as her powers manifest she reveals she knows Zumbado as the murder of her parents. She delivers one hell of an upper cut. Of course with his cover blown, this allows Zumbado to unleash his full power to take out Naomi. Naomi gets a taste of the full power of her enemy.
Where You Belong
Before Naomi can get her butt kicked, a friend of her parents shows up and throws her back through a portal, telling her to never return. Of course Zumbado makes it through the portal as well.
What Bendis and company do next is classic! With Zumbado falling down on top of Naomi, declaring this Earth to be his, Naomi cuts him off. She states this is MY Earth. She then proceeds to strike back with a fully super powered uppercut straight from a video game that sends Zumbado sailing back though the portal as it closes. Naomi has no clue how to control her powers, yet is totally bad ass!
The Future
Naomi has issues reigning in her powers afterwards, but she, and everyone around her, realize she is now a superhero like the great Superman. I love the final page where Naomi springs into the air to face her destiny as a super hero and power house.
Naomi 6 is a wonderful conclusion to Naomi’s opening story arc. This is the sixth and final issue of her opening story arc, but Bendis has this to say about Naomi going forward:
“What David, Jamaal and I are so excited about with NAOMI is that the story starts so small but gets so big. Her secrets open up all kinds of story possibilities in the DC Universe,” Bendis said in a Reddit AMA. “She is coming to be part of the DC Universe with a fresh perspective. I’m very excited to see what other writers do with her. I love what the writers are doing with Miles and Jessica, for example, I love sharing characters and seeing them move on past us.
“And then, sometime in the future, Naomi will return from this creative team in Naomi 2, with Bendis saying of that, “Issue six wraps the first NAOMI run. We’re going to do it HELLBOY style because Jamal needs to take a break! David and I will be building the next part, but by issue four of this series you will see EXACTLY how different. NAOMI 2 joins AMETHYST as a previously announced Wonder Comics season 2 book!”
Brian Michael Bendis on Reddit
Look for Naomi to pop up in other titles until her return in Naomi 2. If DC could get their movie house in order, this story would actually make a great movie to kick start a new hero.