Marvel Comics is giving fans a first look at the cover and some interior art for Miracleman: The Silver Age #1. This is a return of Miracleman after the series was cut short nearly 30 years ago. Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham took over Miracleman in the late 1980s and are back again to complete the story. Things kick off in October with Miracleman #0, a giant-sized one-shot to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the series. Then on October 19, The Silver Age #1 will hit comic shelves and restart the main story with new remastered artwork.
New York, NY— September 13, 2022 — Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham’s unfinished storyline “The Silver Age” begins next month! In the late 80s, Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham took over the saga of Miracleman to critical acclaim. The pair of comic visionaries expanded the Miracleman mythos with new characters and introduced the story of Young Miracleman. Their series was cut short mid-storyline almost 30 years ago, but now their Miracleman: The Silver Age saga will finally be completed! MIRACLEMAN BY GAIMAN & BUCKINGHAM: THE SILVER AGE #1 and MIRACLEMAN BY GAIMAN & BUCKINGHAM: THE SILVER AGE #2 will present the early chapters of the story that made it to stands but with stunning new remastered artwork by Buckingham and containing bonus content! And then, starting in December’s MIRACLEMAN: THE SILVER AGE #3, all-new material by Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham will at long last, continue this legendary comic story!
“On our original run, I struggled a bit with the design of Miraclewoman’s costume, so I looked to do something less angular and more flowing and sensitive,” Buckingham said of one change he brought to the new series. “By the time I circled back to those scenes in 2022, I felt more comfortable working with the original design.”
Also arriving next month, MIRACLEMAN #0 will drum up the anticipation by getting new readers and longtime fans excited for the return of Miracleman! The giant-sized one-shot will celebrate the 40th anniversary of Miracleman’s modern era with a breathtaking journey through the fascinating Miracleman mythology in a collection of stories by Mike Carey, Peach Momoko, Jason Aaron, Ryan Stegman, and more. Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham will also craft a framing story for the issue that will lead into their upcoming return. Look for it when it hits stands on October 5.

A character with a tremendous legacy in the comic book industry, Miracleman’s modern era officially begin in 1982. Miracleman changed perceptions of what a comic could be with its dark and socially relevant interpretation of the Super Hero genre, which has led Time Magazine to call it “a must-read for scholars of the genre, and of the comic book medium in general.” Often hailed as one of the greatest comics of all time, Miracleman holds a significant place in many fan’s hearts, and his absence in the last decades have only made his impact more revered and treasured.
Right now, check out an exclusive preview, featuring Buckinham’s breathtaking new artwork, and pick up MIRACLEMAN BY GAIMAN AND BUCKINGHAM: THE SILVER AGE #1 on October 19! And if you want the full scope of Gaiman and Buckingham’s Miracleman, dive into the first part of their legendary run with MIRACLEMAN BY GAIMAN & BUCKINGHAM BOOK 1: THE GOLDEN AGE TPB, also arriving next month! For more information, visit

MIRACLEMAN: THE SILVER AGE #1 – 75960608469200111
Written by NEIL GAIMAN
Art and Cover by MARK BUCKINGHAM
Lettered by TODD KLEIN
On Sale 10/19
Sound off and tell us what you think. Are you looking forward to the return of Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham’s critically acclaimed series? Also, will this also be on your list to pick up in October?
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