Whether you’re an old fan of Buffy comics or just looking to get started, you won’t want to miss the Legacy collection.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Legacy Edition Volume 3 collects issues #20-29 of the original Buffy comics. While the Buffy legacy has carried on in a ton of comic editions, these stories were the start of it all. Set during the events of the show’s third season, these stories are meant to supplement the original canon of the hit TV series.
Dark Horse originally published these BTVS comics. Now, Boom! Studios has brought them together in a newly designed collection. Check out a sneak peek of the design and story details below for Legacy Edition Vol. 3. (And in case you missed it, here’s the scoop on Vol. 1 and Vol. 2.)

What Stories Are In Buffy Legacy Vol. 3?
Legacy Vol. 3 collects issues #20 – 29, which include the following stories:
“Double Cross” This story explores the events of the TV series season 3 finale, which saw Buffy and Angel go their separate ways. Those who thought to take advantage of that separation are in for a surprise…
“The Blood of Carthage” Parts 1 – 5 In a town like Sunnydale, the local “boogeyman” is almost certainly more than just a legend. In this case, it turns out to be a whole horde of demons, led by Vraka. Can Buffy and the Scoob Gang bring them down? And what does Spike have to do with it all?
“The Heart of a Slayer” Parts 1 & 2 A creature stalks Buffy, trying to kill her to bring about the end of the world. The only one who can save her? A Slayer who should have died centuries ago.
“Cemetery of Lost Love” A backpack full of maggots? A swarm of rats in the school cafeteria? If Buffy didn’t know better, she’d think someone was out to get her.
Legacy Vol. 3 also includes Angel #15, the first in a four-part crossover with the BTVS comics.
“Past Lives” A huntress is stalking demons in LA… and she’s leaving behind survivors, saying Angel sent her. Now, Angel has a whole army of demons chasing him down for revenge. When demons start fleeing to Sunnydale, it becomes Buffy’s problem too.
Finally, Legacy Vol. 3 includes two Buffy one shots.
“Take Back the Night” Buffy battles the evils of demons and sexual predators on the UC Sunnydale campus.
“City of Despair” Buffy and Angel’s astral essences are captured and forced into gladiator-style battles for survival.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Legacy Edition is available now from Boom! Studios.