One of the best comic book stories of 2023 is about to get even better in 2024. This week Skybound, Image, and Hasbro announced that the Energon Universe Special 2024 #1 will be heading our way soon. Skybound, Image, and Hasbro will release all-new can’t-miss variant covers for collectors to celebrate this release. Energon Universe Special 2024 #1 will be available at local comic shops and online on May 8, 2024. You can check out the exciting details of this release below.

Energon Universe Special 2024 #1
Skybound and Image Comics, in collaboration with leading toy and game company Hasbro, announced today that they will publish Energon Universe Special 2024 #1, featuring the same story content as the Free Comic Book Day 2024 special with all-new can’t miss covers for collectors. This issue will be available from Skybound, Image and Hasbro the week following FCBD on Wednesday, May 8, 2024.
Skybound also debuted a first look at all-new pages from the FCBD special, which promises shocking turns from the juggernaut Energon Universe series and can’t miss first appearances from the worlds of Void Rivals, TRANSFORMERS and G.I. JOE. This comic serves as a perfect jumping on point for new readers and a can’t miss for long time fans.

Discover three all new stories from the Energon Universe, with stunning revelations for the worlds of TRANSFORMERS, G.I. JOE AND Void Rivals from the biggest names in comics. Energon Universe talent Robert Kirkman (Invincible, The Walking Dead), Daniel Warren Johnson (Extremity, Do a Powerbomb, DC’s Wonder Woman: Dead Earth) and Joshua Williamson (DC’s Superman, Dark Ride) pen the stories, and Lorenzo De Felici (Kroma), Ryan Ottley (Invincible) and Jason Howard (Super Dinosaur) will provide art.
In addition to the main cover by Daniel Warren Johnson & Mike Spicer, Energon Universe Special 2024 #1 will feature a slate of variant covers by friends of Skybound and top comics talent Lorenzo De Felici, Tom Reilly (Duke), Stephen Green (Impact Winter), and Khary Randolph (Excellence).

The Energon Universe officially began last summer with the surprise first appearance of iconic TRANSFORMERS character Jetfire in Void Rivals #1 from Robert Kirkman (Invincible, The Walking Dead), Lorenzo De Felici (Kroma), and Mateus Lopes (Step by Bloody Step), introducing the historic new collaboration between Hasbro and Skybound, with TRANSFORMERS and G.I. JOE comics finding a new home with the publisher. Then TRANSFORMERS from writer/artist Daniel Warren Johnson (Extremity, Do a Powerbomb, DC’s Wonder Woman: Dead Earth) and colorist Mike Spicer (Stillwater, Murder Falcon) kicked off a brand-new era for the iconic franchise.
The Energon Universe recently expanded further with the launch of Duke, a limited series from Joshua Williamson (DC’s Superman, Dark Ride), Tom Reilly (The Thing) and Jordie Bellaire (W0rldtr33) and Cobra Commander from Joshua Williamson, Andrea Milana (Impact Winter: Rook) and Annalisa Leoni (Oblivion Song). Fans should expect can’t-miss moments from every issue of the Energon Universe, as secrets are unveiled along the path to answering the BIG questions.
Are you excited about the Energon Universe Special 2024 #1 release? Is this a must-read and have for your collection? Also, what other comic series are you looking forward to? That Hashtag Show wants to hear from you!
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Source: Skybound