Tom King has been a writer in the comic world for some time. After very successful runs on the Mister Miracle and Vision titles, King was handed the Batman title for DC’s relaunch (Rebirth). King has managed the run from issue #1 to the present, but now mixed reports are coming in as to what his future with DC might be. Is he being fired or simply moved around?
Time For Tom King to get the Axe?
Tom King has been in charge of Batman for 71 issues now. His stories have seen Batman left at the alter by Catwoman and Nightwing shot in the head, losing all memory of who he was. In the bigger picture, one which is nearing payoff, everything has been building towards the conclusion. The final story arc of his multi-year run will be called City of Bane, a culmination of everything happening to this point.
Recent articles this past week have hinted that there may be problems. Batman sales have been falling in recent months. Batman‘s reign in the top 5 seems shaky in the current market. King also wrote Heroes in Crisis. This 9 issue special title examines the trauma superheroes endure. The run stirred some controversy, especially amongst Flash fans.
King hoped to last with Batman for around 100 issues, but reports last week said he may be cut loose before that. Some said he would not finish his City of Bane story arc, or he might complete it before being let go. The future looked none to bright. DC even stated major changes were coming for all DC titles. This seems to be happening amidst many titles, such as Green Arrow and Titans among others, ending prematurely.
Or Fresh Starts Ahead?

Then this news came out Friday. Apparently, King and artist Clay Mann (also involved with Heroes In Crisis) will team up for a 12 issue Batman/Catwoman series, scheduled to start January 2020. This would follow his exit from Batman in December.
DC editor-in-chief Bob Harras had the following to say:
“We’re starting with the bestselling BATMAN comic after ‘City of Bane’ wraps up in December. ‘City of Bane’ is an incredible story and an integral part of our overall ‘Year of the Villain’ campaign, and a new Tom King and Clay Mann Bat/Cat series in 2020 fills the gap once BATMAN begins to ship monthly.”
Bob Harras, DC Editor-in-Chief
So after hearing this, it looks less Like Tom King leaving and more like maneuvering around the changes occurring. Batman will change from twice a month to a monthly title. Speculations say the forthcoming DC-wide changes may have something to do with the Doomsday series that is now nearing its end.
What of Batman/Catwoman?
As for the new Batman/Catwoman title that will temporarily fill the gap made by the missing Batman issue, Tom had the following to say about it:
Batman and Catwoman is a chance to do what Morrison and Quietly did in Batman and Robin: launch an ambitious, accessible, beautiful, thrilling new series that concludes years of stories and defines what Batman is, can, and will be. This will be a comic about what the best Batman comics are always been about, how our greatest hero turns fear into bravery, pain into hope, trauma into love. It’s the story I always wanted to tell, and I’m telling it with the man I consider to be the greatest artist in comics, my brother Clay Mann.”
Tom King
Tom King had this to say about exiting the Batman series:
It’s tough to leave Batman. It’s a gift and a joy to be on that book. But I’m leaving it to work on the biggest, most ambitious projects of my career, comics I get to make with the best collaborators in comics. And that’s a gift and a joy too.”
Tom King
It sounds as if Tom’s future is right where he wants it. He will finish his current story arc before moving on to other projects he wants to do. Many of these projects we don’t even have info on yet. For those liking Tom’s run with both Batman and Heroes In Crisis, prepare for many more new issues to continue enjoying his talent.