Story Synopsis: Jonny Double
A private investigator named Jonny Double gets mixed up in a plan to steal money from a dead mobster in this week’s Comic Rewind, Jonny Double by DC Vertigo.
Double walked up on a crowd of onlookers as the police investigated a dead body. However, as Double got closer he identified the dead man as his client. When the client ended up dead, Double knew he wouldn’t get paid. The next place Double decided to go was his local bar. However, right when he got a good buzz going Double heard he had a new client waiting for him.
A father was looking for his daughter who went missing and needed Double to make sure she hadn’t gotten herself into trouble. However, Double was in luck because he would not have to wait too long to find her. While drinking her and her friends walked into the bar and needed an older guy to complete a crazy robbery plan.

Infamous mobster Al Capone made an alias and put all his money in a bank account under this fake name, but since Capone died the money had been sitting there collecting interest. This group of young 20 year olds needed someone to pretend to be the heir. Double agreed to do it for an equal cut. However, after Double left the bank a $300,000 bank withdraw became $7 million. The account wasn’t Capone’s, but whose was it and why did Double’s cohorts end up dead?
Jonny Double was written by Brian Azzarello with art by Eduardo Risso and Digital Chameleon. DC’s Vertigo imprint published the issues in 1998.
Jonny Double Is My Kind Of Noir
Last week’s noir comic left me lacking in key ways so I decided to give another noir comic a try. However, this was also not quite what I wanted.
Double is a P.I., he is caught up in a bad situation, a femme fatale is involved and things go south very quickly. These are all things I wanted, but the story surrounding them is very amateur. The story is very predictable, but also key elements are never explained.

Story Too Basic And Telegraphed
An example is Double was an ex-cop and the issue goes to a flashback. Double is drinking in a bar and Double gets harassed and beat up by some cops. It looks like maybe Double is undercover, but the issues never says that and is just a story about how some cops kicked him in the face once. It is a completely pointless story.
The two big bads of the story are these mysterious figures who may not even exist, but then Double finds one very easily and the other just strolls up and is exactly who I thought it was the entire time.
This story was not very good. It seemed to be done by a high schooler and was very simplistic and telegraphed every twist. The Al Capone aspect I liked and added something cool to the story, but it was the only good part of the story.
I found the story extremely boring and gave me nothing to sink my teeth into. It was a very basic noir story and added nothing new to the genre.