A group of children come to your door and ask to use your phone, but once inside you see their eyes are solid black in Black-Eyed Kids Vol. 1.
Jessica and her husband were watching TV when their daughter is yelling about her brother, Michael, sleepwalking into her room. When Jessica went to get Michael he kept repeating “they’re coming.”
Black-eyed kids are making their way around town and are killing people who are in their way. Michael turns into a B.E.K. and kills his family. However, his sister survives and it is up to his biological father to protect her and get to the bottom of what is happening.
Black-Eyed Kids Vol. 1 was written by Joe Pruett with art by Szymon Kudranski and Guy Major. AfterShock Comics published the volume 2016.
I love paranormal stuff and the black-eyed kids is one of my new favorite topics. When I saw a comic based on them I was pretty excited. However, it didn’t quite turn out to be what I wanted.

I was looking for more of a straight horror comic with creepy scenes. This volume is in the horror genre, but it is more of a suspense mystery rather than a monster on a rampage. A monster on a rampage type of story is what I wanted.
The comic explains the origin of the B.E.K. in a very general sense. They are trying to take over the world. I would have prefered they were not explained at all and just are. They are always recruiting new members by force which I didn’t like how they did it. It would be more scary for me if they just exist and no one knows where they come from.
However, if they have to be explained I want a really in depth background on their origin. This volume has a middleground area which I think is the worst spot for this type of story.

Something which I did like about how they did the B.E.K. is how they are everywhere. However, I don’t want them to be able to be anyone. The comic stayed true to rule that they have to be invited in to the home or car. They also usually need help and because they are kids they are usually trusted.
However, it was weird that how old the kids were. In most of the stories I’ve heard about them they are around six to eight years old, but in this they are teenagers.
I liked the volume and I liked the exploration of the B.E.K., but it just didn’t hook me in as much as I had hoped.