Marvel Comics’ BLOOD HUNT series is heating up and shows no sign of slowing down. Today Marvel Comics revealed the next storing in the BLOOD HUNT series with AMAZING SPIDER-MAN: BLOOD HUNT. Created by Justina Ireland and Marcelo Ferreira; this tie-in series will send Spider-Man on a mission to rescue Morbius to battle the vampire invasion. AMAZING SPIDER-MAN: BLOOD HUNT will swing into local comic shops on May 15, 2024. You can check out the official details below.
Among the Marvel Universe’s blood suckers, one stands out as the most tragic—MORBIUS, THE LIVING VAMPIRE! When vampires legions unite and usher in the eternal night, Morbius’ unique self-inflicted bloodlust may hold the key to reversing it—or strengthening it!
Spider-Man will be tasked to find his iconic vampiric villain in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN: BLOOD HUNT, a new tie-in series spinning out of Jed MacKay and Pepe Larraz’s Blood Hunt crossover event. Written by Justina Ireland (Deadpool: Seven Slaughters) and drawn by artist Marcelo Ferreira (Moon Knight: City of the Dead), SPIDER-MAN: BLOOD HUNT will see Spidey team up with Misty Knight and the Lizard to rescue Morbius—who has already fallen into the vampire overlord’s clutches!
“Getting to write Morbius, The Living Vampire, has been a lot of fun,” Ireland shared. “He’s always been a delightful foil to Spider-Man and other heroes of the Marvel Universe, and I hope I can capture the determination to change one’s fate that I’ve always loved about the character. Well, that and the brooding.”

“I was really excited when my editor invited me to be a part of the Blood Hunt crossover by means of penciling the AMAZING SPIDER-MAN tie-in limited series!” Ferreira added. “It is double special for me, because it is a return to two characters that I’ve drawn before and that have a special place in my heart: Spidey and MORBIUS! Or maybe I can say triple special, because it also involves vampires. I think my art perfectly matches these darker themes.”
Spidey’s mission in Blood Hunt has become clear and, of course, it involves his old friend Michael Morbius. After he discovers the importance of his fanged foe to the vampire’s overall plans, Peter will have to decide if he needs to take him out or save him!
Who will bite it? Check out Ferreira’s dramatic AMAZING SPIDER-MAN: BLOOD HUNT #1 cover and stay tuned later today for more Blood Hunt tie-in announcements! For more information, visit
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Source: Marvel Comics