It’s the end of day one of DCFandom as the day ends with a panel on DC’s biggest hero, Batman. DC’s upcoming The Batman is a reboot of the iconic Dark Knight staring Robert Patttison.
Below you can find the first official trailer that shows the grounded and gritty tone that the new movie will be going for.
The movie will explore Bruce’s second year of Gotham. Meaning Bruce will still be on the outs with the Gotham City police. One aspect highlighted was the city of Gotham and their attempt to do something new with it then what was different from Burton and Nolan. The movie is set on a separate Earth to the DCEU Justice League movies.
Warner Bros has made The Batman a top priority movie. Fast-tracking the movie for an October 1st, 2021 release date. Ahead of other long in development DC movies like Shazam. The movie was originally scheduled to be released on June 25, 2021. Following this, it was pushed back due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The movie will star Robert Pattinson as Batman, Zoe Kravitz as Catwoman, Collin Farrell as Penguin, and Paul Dano as Riddler. So, what do you think of The Batman?
For more on The Batman, DC Fandome, or any other general pop culture, make sure to check back to That Hashtag Show.