The Sony/Marvel partnership with the Spiderman universe stands in ruins. Sony blames Marvel and a ‘too busy’ Kevin Feige for the end of the relationship. Perceptions may be wrong but it appears the Mouse house’s silence speaks for them. This move hurts them more than it can possibly affect Sony. Fans loved Spidey’s involvement in the Avengers movies, but his departure may be the best thing for both the web head and movies in general.
Disney In Overload
In the small picture, there was nothing wrong with Spiderman and his spider-verse being in the MCU. Things looked to be going great. Them problem comes down to this – Disney, after the acquisition of Fox, now holds more properties than it can deal with. The X-Men may not see action until 2025 or later. Set Marvel, Star Wars, Avatar, Pixar, and their cartoons aside. Where does Disney have room or time to deal with Spiderman and his world. Sure he can costar with anyone in their movie, but after the announcement of Phase 4, Spidey could not be found.
Now set all of those movies aside, where will Disney release Indian Jones 5? Where will Deadpool fall in the scheme of things. What about the Planet of the Apes movies? Disney just stated they would continue this franchise. How does Disney manage all these titles?
Take a look at Boxofficemojo. As of this article in late August, Disney currently holds the top 6 movies of the year. Remember the failure that was Dumbo? That flop sits at #15, and they aren’t done! Disney still has yet to release Maleficent 2, Frozen 2, or Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker. Frozen and Star Wars are gimmies. At year’s end, Disney could hold up to 9 of the top 10 films of the year and own at least the top 8 exclusively.
Finding the Heart of Spiderman

Fellow Hashtag writer PickedLastForKickball wrote a great article about Marvel having a great Spiderman, but lacking his true heart – Uncle Ben. While I did not mind Tony taking Ben’s place (as we did not need to watch Ben die a third time just for Tom Holland), she hits on a fantastic point. Where’s the heart of Spiderman?
In keeping Spiderman with the MCU, we watch great performances from Tom. His magic with Robert Downey Jr. remains unshakable, save Tony Stark is dead, but now where?
Disney lacks the time to devote to the larger Spider-verse. Sure we saw magnificent performances from Michael Keaton and Jake Gyllenhaal; However, that’s two characters in two films. So What? There are so many characters and villains that will never see the light of day because they don’t fit in the MCU. Spiderman V. Venom or Spiderman & Venom will never happen so long as the MCU butts in.