I’m not really sure that you can consider this a spoiler, but just in case you’re one of those people who want to go in completely clean, here’s your warning if you don’t want to know about the Avengers: Endgame Post Credits.

Avengers Endgame Post Credits
There’s no post-credit scene in the film. So, what exactly does that mean? There’s probably going to be countless theories out there about why there wasn’t anything after or during the credits, but I think the answer is the most obvious one. This was the end of that specific story arc. While Feige has come out and said that he considers Far From Home the end of this phase, Endgame has put a nice bow on the past 12 years of films. Not having anything post-credits is a nice, passive way of putting a definitive end to the run.

Basically, you should look at Avengers: Endgame as the final issue in a huge crossover event, much like The Infinity Gauntlet. With this storyline over, Spider-Man: Far From Home will most likely be acting as an epilogue, setting up Peter for whatever is coming next and potentially giving us a taste of what to expect from Phase 4.
So, What’s Next?
With the Fox-owned properties back in the fold, there’s a bright future ahead for the MCU. After Spidey’s next film, we know that The Eternals, Black Widow, and Black Panther 2 are on their way, along with all of the shows that have been announced for Disney+.
While I know a lot of people want to see the X-Men integrated into the universe, personally, I’m really looking forward to seeing what Marvel Studios can do with the Fantastic 4. What about you guys? What are you hoping to see in the next wave of MCU films? How do you think the X-Men could be integrated into the current universe? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!