3 – Captain Marvel Vs Wonder Woman… or Brie Larson Vs Gal Gadot
This wasn’t going to be added to this article except Brie simply will not shut up. Wonder Woman has a better actress going forward than Captain Marvel. I think both are talented actresses, but their personalities are going to cause Captain Marvel some issues, while Wonder Woman will have smooth sailing. Let’s look at the two actresses.

Gal Gadot was a divisive choice for DC. She had very little acting credential to back her up and no previous lead roles. Her claim to fame was being lucky enough to be attached to the Fast and Furious movies when their popularity took off. Many fans wanted a more established actress with a more filled out physique as Gal was rather skinny.
In the end Gal won fans over. I think Wonder Woman is a character that could be done by several actresses, each bringing their own flavor and feel to the role. For what Patty Jenkins wanted, Gal was a great choice. She won a majority of fans over and has never stopped loving the ride. She always seems to have a smile on her face. I do not recall ever hearing her saying anything mean or controversial. She has embraced the role and brought a caring to it. Gal does not seem to be an actress that will ever mail it in as others have done. She loves being Wonder Woman and loves sharing the experience with audiences.
Enter Brie Larson
Then we come to Brie Larson. Larson did a fine job with the role, but again there was a detachment to her performance. It was a good performance yet lacked the heart to draw audiences fully into the movie. I will not say it is all her fault as I believe it was both her and the directing that led to the distance.
Off screen, Brie continues to kick up hornet nests. Several of her tweets and comments, while not outright sexist against men have caused a backlash of hate. One or two missteps are one thing, but every appearance seems to add more fuel to the fire. On Jimmy Kimmel she added “We’ve done three movies together so there’s a lot of people to hate.” Talk about dumb things to say. While strictly rumor, it is also being reported Brie is not getting along with several cast members on the Avengers Endgame set. There is growing discontent between her and castmates, which often leads to parties bailing on future movies because they are tired of those types of interactions.
Think about all of the 20 movies that have been done so far. The high drama actors have been few and far between. In fact, I can only think of one or two that would even qualify. If this is the atmosphere Brie Larson brings to a set as the lead Avenger going forward, there will be issues. Wonder Woman will easily have a better time going forward with both press and audiences.
As I stated earlier, I think both movies are very good movies, each with their own flaws and perks, but in the end Wonder Woman will be the more endearing of the two.

It seems this guy loves the Twilight movies.