2 – Captain Marvel Vs Wonder Woman: Man Presence

While that title may have triggered all the feminists, it is true, but not for the reasons they will paint. The “Man” isn’t needed to hold her hand or fight her fights. The man is needed to play off of and bring some heart to the film. Not having that relationship left Captain Marvel feeling cold and distant.
In Wonder Woman, the presence of Steve Trevor serves so many purposes. While Marvel and Nick Fury to play off of, the chemistry was not great, nor was it supposed to be given their roles in the movie. The Chemistry between Gal Gadot and Chris Pine was quite good and charming. Patty Jenkins described the scene on the boat leaving Themiscera as unscripted ad lib. It was a great scene showcasing not only the differences between cultures, but the chemistry between the two characters. Audiences were drawn in by their journey together.
The connection between Trevor and Diana gave them characters to play off, as did adding the three soldiers that would later join in. Patty Jenkins did a great job of giving soul to each of these characters. Audiences cared about them as we learned each of their backstories.
Comparing Character Interactions
The closest Captain Marvel came to this level of caring and heart was in the brilliant performance of Ben Mendelsohn. His character was intriguing through most of the film, but once we see his true goal is to protect his family and kin, it really added another level to his character. Audiences cared about the Skrulls, which is odd given their comic book natures.
Having relationships in films is not necessary, but it is a tool that helps draw the audience in and makes them care about what is happening on screen. It gives the main characters risk and things worth fighting for. If a director does not use a relationship, they need another device to make audiences care.
A good example is Denzel Washington’s The Equalizer. Robert McCall is a cold calculating character. He is precise and single minded with purpose. It is hard to be drawn into a film with any character like that. This is where the use of Alina, the prostitute. It is her character that draws audiences in and gives the film its heart because of her vulnerability and weakness.

Captain Marvel having a man isn’t necessarily the answer, but there needed to be someone to help draw the audience in and care. Even her old pilot friend, Maria Rambeau, failed to add emotion. Her role was too perfect and even in the fights, she never seemed to be in danger, so there was no risk of failure.
What Set Them Apart?
Wonder Woman had the fragility of those around her as well as Steve Trevor to use. There was risk and danger all around her. In fact, the ending of the movie, Trevor chooses to sacrifice himself to save everyone. Now this was belittled slightly by the nature of comics today. As the Iron Islanders say, “What is dead may never die.” Of course Trevor is back in the sequel, but even there that creates an intrigue asking – how?
Captain Marvel was too independent and too unattached to fully bring in audiences the way Wonder Woman accomplished. If Captain Marvel stays as cold and distant as it did in the current movie, audiences will not attach to her.
It seems this guy loves the Twilight movies.