While Munchkin: Critical Role isn’t out until February 2021, we have another puzzle that has been released.
Specifically, the 1,000 piece Vox Machina puzzle. The Mighty Nein puzzle released a month or so ago, and this new one has Critter artist Lauren Walsh’s Campaign 1 art on full display.

The Op said in a blog post that:
Connecting the shades and gradients of this custom illustration by fan art favorite Lauren Walsh, Critters will find the art’s vibrancy to match the lively stories, victories, tales of vengeance and laughter as portrayed by the cast of the popular weekly role-playing show.
This art piece is similar to the Campaign 2 piece Lauren did that ended up being the first puzzle that The Op released. And the colors for both puzzles are similar, which makes it exciting to put together.
So, this is available in the US, UK, and AUS Critical Role shops. When completed it will measure in at 19″x 27″. You can read the description and check out the images below.
Gather your adventuring party to reunite Vox Machina! This colorful 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle by our friends at The Op features Scanlan, Pike, Grog, Percy, Vex, Vax, Keyleth, and of course Trinket.

For more on Critical Role, puzzles, tabletop gaming, or any other general pop culture, make sure to check back to That Hashtag Show.