After discovering the oversized D20 and Rubik’s Cube puzzle, we have another 1,000 piece puzzle. This time, it’s one of the most beautiful ones yet. Behold, the Critical Role: Vox Machina Heroes of Whitestone 1000-Piece Puzzle.

Take on a new kind of tabletop adventure and join Critical Role’s Vox Machina with this magnificent 19×27” 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle, which pays homage to the popular roleplaying show’s immersive campaign.
Artist Kent Davis, who has done a lot of commissioned art for Critical Role did this art piece, and it is really amazing. Also, this is a little bit of a spoiler for Campaign 1 for one of the most pivotal and crazy arcs in the campaign. We have so far only found this for pre-order off of Big Bad Toy Store, but it is set to be released next month.
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