That’s right Ranger Nation” after 2 FANTASTIC Fan First Fridays, it seems we had a bit of a cyber-snafu! Amazon Australia appears to accidentally leaked som big news.. They posted up placeholders on their online store… that just happened to include the names of the next wave of figures in the Lightning Collection! Let’s look at the leak, and I’ll of course throw my two power coins in, too.
Blank, but a telling tale
Leaked Lightning Collection Wave 10 Breakdown

Zeo Ranger II Yellow
Tanya will be the last of the Zeo Rangers to adorn your shelf space after the Kat-Pack releases later this summer. More than likely she will come with her Power Clubs, Blaster, and another fully drawn Pod Sword. I’ll guess the blast effect will be for the sword or blaster. Since the Power Clubs might not be sturdy enough for an effect addition

The Phantom Ranger
So looking at the listing the Phantom Ranger is listed as an In Space character. Even though he was only in 3 episodes of In Space as opposed to 7 during Turbos run. Now, what will be interesting that with the little airtime that he’s had, what accessories do you think he will come with? I know he had a Blaster at one point and his Ruby in his chest. Will the upcoming Power Ranger Unlimited: Edge of Darkness story add some more gear?

Pink Space Ranger
Cassie, like Tanya, will make her Lightning Collection DEBUT! Rounding out the core Space Ranger leaving just Zhane to join the team in his actual suit, not the 2 pack we mentioned in a previous Fan First Friday review. Hopefully, they can get that tiny logo on the visor right I know there were many issues with the Yellow rangers paint not lining up.

Dino Charge Green
Riley gets to join the fight with his unique swordsman ship. Hopefully, Hasbro will do some research into this and give him a sweeping effect like Carlos to add to his sword. Anything other than that would be a waste of plastic. AND let’s not forget the huge paint mistake the Dino Charge Black, maybe that why it’s been so long between rangers on that team?
Thoughts from the Morphin Grid
You should all know by now as much as I love this collection. I have had issues with it in the past. Notwithstanding, think Hasbro is headed in the right direction with the Lightning Collection now. But doing the Phantom Ranger as a single? I hope they change up the number of Phantoms per case. With this wave, I think after the first few weeks we are going to get some peg warmers, sadly. Everyone will go out and scoop up Phantoms. Once the buzz dies down we know the trend of female figures sitting on shelves.
This could have been a better opportunity to throw up a Lightspeed Rescue Ranger. Or, perhaps, if you want to swing for the fences, a Mystic Force. Seriously, Hasbro! someone from another team we haven’t seen yet, maybe? Now with the announcement of the Cogs during Power Morphicon Online combined with Zeo Yellow, how is Hasbro ever going to get us those Blue Zeo Tonfa and not sheathed Pod Swords…
Just remember: this was Amazon’s digital mistake . We are not 100% confirming that this is going to be the next Lightning Collection wave. If you examine the tweet, the toys were listed in the Transformers Section of Amazon.
We want to know from you what are your thoughts on this wave? Let us know in the comments below! While you’re at it head on over to our That Hashtag Show Facebook page and share pics of your collection. Also, make sure to follow me at OFF THE CUFF GAMING on Facebook and YouTube.
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