The anime adaptation of Sugar Apple Fairy Tale just recently concluded with its twelfth and final episode for the season. Not only that, but it seems like a lot of people really liked watching the sweet adventures of Ann and Shall. How else do you explain them announcing a season 2 right after the airing of that twelfth episode? Or the new trailer they released for said upcoming season 2? Don’t believe me? Then why not check out that trailer for yourself below?
A Second Fairy Tale in the Works?
Studio J.C.Staff (Revolutionary Girl Utena, A Certain Magical Index, Edens Zero) is proud to announce that season 2 of Sugar Apple Fairy Tale is in the works via that new trailer from KADOKAWAanime above on YouTube. Said trailer showed off all the drama that’s going on in this anime. Which will be surprising to anyone just reading the initial premise for it, considering that it sounds like a light-hearted cooking anime. It also teased the plot of the next season, which seems to be Ann saving Shall for once.
Not only that, but the end of that trailer revealed when we’ll get to see this new season of the anime. Apparently, Sugar Apple Fairy Tale season 2 will make its premiere sometime in July 2023. Even better, Crunchyroll confirms that they will be streaming season 2 when it airs. Thus, you can continue watching this anime on Crunchyroll, and only there. Because apparently, this is a Crunchyroll exclusive anime.
Sugar Apple Fairy Tale: Synopsis

Is this perhaps your first time even hearing of Sugar Apple Fairy Tale? Then no worries. Crunchyroll has an official synopsis for us on the anime’s page to help inform us about it. You can check it out below:
Anne Halford is on her way to fulfill her dream of becoming a confectionary artisan, a Silver Sugar Master—however, the road to her destination is filled with a world of danger. To protect herself, she reluctantly buys Challe, a fairy forced into a life of servitude, but she seeks friendship more than a lackey. Torn between his freedom and her needs, she must confront what the sweet life is worth.