Rumors buzz. Fandoms grow and die. Many products fail to see their full potential before their 10 minutes of fame fizzles out. Heads up Overwatch fans! With the new generation of streaming services Overwatch will not be one of those products that could have been so much more. IF rumors hold, Overwatch may be heading to Netflix!
Way back in the dark ages of 2016, a little shooter game came out that changed (or at least runs against) modern gaming programs. This cartoony little game broke the gaming mold in many ways. In the era of DLCs, Overwatch gave new heroes and maps to its players for free. It also nixed the idea of leveling characters. While you do level up, Overwatch does not make it so highly geared, level 60 players can camp spawn points and assassinate level 20 players.
Since then, toy lines sprang up in stores and the “Heroes” one plays with received backstories through animated shorts sporadically released. Even the forthcoming Overwatch 2 contains story based PVE missions. Now fans look like they will also enjoy an animated series from Netflix!
Overwatch Netflix: A whole New Road

The profile of Blizzard Studio President, Nick van Dyke, it shows him as “executive producer of Diablo, a TV adaptation of Blizzard’s IP, rendered in an anime style.” He also states “with creative partner, developed and sold an animated series based on Blizzard’s Overwatch franchise.” Given his past associations with Netflix and the hunger Netflix has for new titles, this seems the most likely launching pad.
Based on playable heroes, all of which either have or have suggested pasts and stories, Overwatch begs for an ongoing story in either comics or tv series. A few short years ago, this would not have been possible, but the streaming wars have begun. He who grabs the most hot titles and turns out quality products wins!
Netfix Is the Place to Launch!
Nothing else is really known right now, and i repeat this is rumor so far, but look at the facts and track record. Netflix is launching both old and new properties with resounding success and is not afraid to spend money. Netflix has relaunch franchises like the Dark Crystal, Lost in Space and even grows its personal animation titles with hits like Voltron , She-Ra and Dragon Prince.
Also on the release list is Kevin Smith’s continuation of He-Man. The cast for this show dropped and talk about star studded! Even Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance boasted a huge voice cast. Netflix places its money where its mouth is for shows like this. If they indeed do launch Overwatch, I trust it to be top notch and not just a cheap money grab.
Until then, here is some information on Overwatch 2.