My Hero Academia‘s popularity has exploded over the past couple of years. What more proof do you need than the fact that the anime is soon going to reach its 100th episode?

Funimation announces that this Saturday on June 12, 2021; the My Hero Academia anime will premier its long-awaited 100th episode. This episode will be the culmination of the last 5 seasons of the anime. The premiere will happen on, where else, Funimation (along with a whole bunch of other streaming services like Crunchyroll) in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Scandinavia, Brazil, and Mexico. If you want to celebrate this momentous occasion, check out MHA’s 100th episode then.
My Hero Academia: Welcome to the Big Leagues

When My Hero Academia finally reaches its 100th episode, it will only be the beginning. The 100th episode of an anime is a sign that it has just entered the big leagues of anime-dom. No longer will anyone consider it to be a niche anime, if anyone even does. Now, this anime can hope to compete with the big boys.

However, My Hero Academia still has a long way to go before it can even begin to compete with the longest-running anime out there. Take One Piece, for example. Currently, the anime stands at 977 episodes total, and because it’s an ongoing anime and manga, there’s a lot more to come. Yeah, compared to that, Deku and co. still have a long, long way to go. But there is a bright side to this. At least My Hero Academia hasn’t had time to have rot set in like some of the really long-running anime series. For that, we can be grateful.

The My Hero Academia anime will soon reach its 100th episode on June 12, 2021. Want to know what special things they have planned for this occasion? Catch the episode then on Funimation, Crunchyroll, and other anime streaming services.
Source: Funimation