Regular Show has been a hit for Cartoon Network fans since the show premiered in 2010. It’s been a long journey with Mordecai, Rigby and all of their friends. Now, fans have the chance to own the entire series on DVD together in Regular Show: The Complete Series. There’s more than 50 hours of animated hijinks in this package. If you’re a fan of the “Golden Era” of Cartoon Network programming of the early 2010’s, this DVD collection should be on your radar. After all, streaming can be fleeting in today’s day and age.
Over the course of 245 episodes, viewers grow along with Mordecai the Blue Jay and Rigby the Raccoon. There are also specials and Regular Show: The Movie. Regular Show: The Complete Series is currently retailing for $69.99 here in the United States. It’s already doing well over at online retailers. So, there was some serious desire for these adventures to be available in one place. (It probably doesn’t hurt that a new Regular Show series with J.G. Quintel on-board was announced recently…)
It can be a little hard to truly encapsulate what made Regular Show such a big hit all those years ago. Some would argue that it was the clever subversion of the “kids cartoon format.” Mordecai and Rigby have a lot of appeal for early adults and younger viewers. The wild structure of the show deserves a shout-out too. A simple episode about taking your crush on a fancy date can also be a high-stakes action thriller featuring killer animatronics. (No, seriously that happened! Check out the episode “Steak Me Amadeus” for more.)
Regular Show: The Complete Series Grows Up With Viewers

Quintel and the entire Regular Show team managed to bridge the gap between mundane early 20-something life and the kind of absurdity that school age kids blaze through life with masterfully. You really can’t talk about Regular Show without mentioning Adventure Time as the two are grouped together all the time by Cartoon Network fans. That surreal edge is something to behold when it really gets cooking. But, one part of Regular Show: The Complete Series that deserves a lot of credit is how the collection allows fans to appreciate how this show grew over time.
There were more wild changes in format later in the run. Regular Show in Space remains a hysterical bit of resetting the board that has to be seen to be believed. In the same token, events from earlier in the show’s history come back in clever ways. Throwaway characters from Season 1 return to thunderous applause from the audience and concepts long-forgotten provide a narrative backbone that will have you searching YouTube for theory videos explaining it all. Simply put, Regular Show: The Complete Series shows how this program earned its place on an animation pedestal alongside Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, Steven Universe and more.
“You Can’t Touch Media, But Media Can Touch You”
Regular Show: The Complete Series is a journey well worth taking for long-time fans of the show. For viewers who might be new to the series, this is an excellent way to immerse yourself in one of the truly unique animation offerings from the last decade. In these DVD’s are sage wisdom, goofy bits, all the early Internet viral video humor preserved in amber, and a heartwarming tale of two friends realizing how you gotta grow up at some point. We heartily recommend Regular Show: The Complete Series to anyone out there looking for silly time with a great cartoon. And, to those that realize that “Once you do the hard stuff, it becomes not that hard.”
What Is Regular Show: The Complete Series About?

Regular Show follows the lives of best friends Mordecai and Rigby, whose lazy afternoon adventures always seem to be interrupted by zombies and misadventures with their gang of friends Benson, Pops, Muscle Man, Hi-Five Ghost, Skips, Thomas, Margaret and Eileen or sometimes even dealing with Death himself.”
“Created by JG Quintel and produced by Cartoon Network Studios, the series originally premiered in September 2010 and remains a massive hit with new and old fans alike. The show has inspired consumer products ranging from collectibles, apparel, accessories, and games available at major retailers nationwide.”
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