Netflix’s upcoming Devil May Cry is probably one of the most widely anticipated animated series in a while. After all, it’s the most recent adaptation of Capcom’s hit video game franchise of the same name into the animated world. It’s got a lot riding on it with all of Dante’s fame backing it up. Now all we need to do is wait to see if Netflix will deliver on that promise of a demon-slaying ride.

Fortunately, Netflix appears to be very eager to show that off. After all, they just released a brand new official trailer for Devil May Cry on YouTube. It’s a trailer that shows off not only the rather insane yet stylish action, but also some of the upcoming story. From the looks of things here, there’s going to be quite a bit of dark fantasy drama to go with the action and comedy. It’s pretty much what you would expect from Netflix, just with Dante in it this time to mix things up a bit.

That’s not all though. Netflix also has a list of English voice cast for Devil May Cry. You can check out who will voice who (or what) below:

  • Johnny Yong Bosch (Dante)
  • Scout Taylor-Compton (Mary)
  • Hoon Lee (White Rabbit)
  • Kevin Conroy (VP Baines)
  • Chris Coppola (Enzo)

Netflix Unleashes Devil May Cry Official Trailer and English Voice Cast

I think Dante should see a doctor about that red eye.

Honestly, that new official trailer makes Devil May Cry look as though it will be great. It has just the right mix of action, comedy, and drama to all balance each other out even just in the trailer. Fortunately, we only have to wait until April 3, 2025 to see whether Netflix will fulfill their promise. It’s less than a month away as of this writing, so you have plenty of time to order a pizza and replay the games while you wait.

What do you think? Does this new official trailer make you want to check out this animated adaptation of Devil May Cry? Maybe the star-studded voice cast which includes Johnny Yong Bosch is what convinces you instead? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.

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