DC movies were going in the wrong direction. Each team-up movie performed worse than the last and little positivity seemed to be on the horizon. Then along came a movie that transformed DC’s losing streak into a massive three movie winning streak that continues still. Patty Jenkins helmed Wonder Woman to turn the ship around, so of course she received the green light to direct Wonder Woman 1984. Patty Jenkins recently tweeted an update. The Wonder Woman 1984 trailer will drop soon!
Wonder Woman began DC’s current hot streak and Wonder Woman 1984 received a green light almost immediately. Production flew by and the release date was nudged back a couple of times to more favorable dates with less competition. Then came the psychedelic poster showing the Thymescarian Princess in disco colors. You would think being one of the hot DC titles, more press and attention would be following the film, but all has been silent – until five days ago. Patty Jenkins tweeted the following:
Wonder Woman Trailer: From Brazil to the World
On November 8, Brazil will host the final day of the CCXP comic expo, which will host the Wonder Woman panel. Not only will Jenkins and cast host a panel, but they will reveal the long awaited first look at the Wonder Woman movie. Most first trailers are short on story and rely on flashing images that will capture viewers attentions. We shall see what type we get from Brazil.
Little is known so far of the hit sequel. The movie takes place in 1984 amidst the US/USSR cold war. Kristen Wiig will play Barbara Minerva/Cheetah, one of Wonder Woman’s biggest rivals while Game of Thrones and Star Wars actor Pedro Pascal will take the role of Max Lord, one enemy that drove Wonder Woman over the edge and past the line in the comics. Also, Chris Pine returns as Steve Trevor, but how he does this has yet to be leaked. The film is due out June 5, 2020.