Oh no! It looks like the Teen Titans comic book days could be over. But they might have a few tricks up their sleeves to save the day. Created by Sholly Fisch, Dario Brizuela, and France Riesco, TEEN TITANS GO! #1 is a family-friendly comic book that is a must-read for all ages. Thanks to our friends at DC, I was able to get an early look at this issue to share my thoughts with you. TEEN TITANS GO! #1 is available now in most local comic shops.
Say it ain’t so! The Titans’ comic book—canceled?! Desperate for a relaunch, the Titans remake themselves as everything from transforming robots to artsy, black-and-white indie comics characters. But when DC still doesn’t bite, the Titans turn to more drastic measures…like sabotage.

Those who have read my reviews know I like to keep them simple and as spoiler-free as possible. Well, with that being said, TEEN TITANS GO! #1 is a must-read. Not only is it a fun comic book, but it is one that a whole family can enjoy. There is something for the young fans and a few throwbacks that the older fans will get as well. This story just makes you laugh, and you cannot wait to turn the next page to see what ideas the Teen Titans will come up with next. Not only will these pages take you through different styles and adventures, but they will also bring in some familiar faces as well.
Hats off to the creative team. You can tell that writer Sholly Fish had a great time telling this story. Even though this comic is made for younger fans, I couldn’t stop reading it. Artist Dario Brizuela and colorist Franco Riesco did an amazing job throughout the book. Without giving too much away, the way they were able to change styles throughout the comic book made the story even more fun. TEEN TITANS GO! #1 is a work of art.

Are you ready for TEEN TITANS GO! #1? Is this a must-have and read for your comic book collection? Also, what other comic book releases are you looking forward to? That Hashtag Show wants to hear from you.
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