Alien: Earth is all set to become one of the hottest new TV series in the near future. It’s not hard to see why either. After all, showrunner Noah Hawley (Fargo, Legion, Lucy in the Sky) is both writing and directing the first Alien TV series in existence. Well, the first live-action series, that is. Alien: Isolation – The Digital Series holds the title of first series period due to it being an animated web series, but that’s a story for another day. This is the first live-action series in the Alien franchise, and that carries quite a bit of hype to go with it.
Thus, it’s not hard to see why FX would want to promote Alien: Earth any way they can. Trailers would be the next logical step, and that’s exactly what you see here. However, the brand new trailer on YouTube isn’t just to promote the TV series. No, it’s also promoting a full-on immersive experience involving an entire crashed spaceship as a massive set they can explore. Complete with exclusive Alien merch and photo ops, and all set in the heart of Austin, Texas from March 7-8, 2025. You can find the exact dates and times below:
- 318 E 5th St. Lot, Austin, TX 78701 (between Copper Tank and The Westin)
- Dates & Hours of Operation:
- Friday, March 7: 2:30 – 10:00pm
- Saturday, March 8: 2:30 – 10:00pm
- Dates & Hours of Operation:
Alien: Earth Lands in Austin, Texas as Explorable Shipwreck
Honestly, this whole thing just sounds like one big Alien festival combined with an escape room. And to be fair, FX does market it as such. It all sounds like a fun way to promote the upcoming Alien: Earth, which will make its debut sometime in Summer 2025. You can watch it exclusively on Hulu.
What do you all think about this Alien: Earth event? Does it interest you enough to travel to Austin, Texas to check it out? Maybe even if you live in the area, does it interest you to head on over there to see what’s going on? If you have anything to add about this Alien festival, leave your opinions in the comments section below.
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